
thank you for your insight, Kurt, I’m going to do a lot of what you said! thanks again, tons

“[Agonizing and heartbreaking” “the golden-tinged cells” -this kind of phrasing plays right into the anti-abortionists hands. It doesn’t communicate the reverence for life that these people seem to imagine it does.

I’m with you. That part made me bristle. I have not ever been pregnant, but I have always been very certain I don’t want children. Obviously I can’t 100% guarantee what my feelings would be, but it feels hard for me to believe I’d agonize over it.

“Agonizing” and “heartbreaking” are not terms I would use to describe my decision to end my pregnancy, “logical,” “reasonable,” “responsible”, etc., etc.

It’s such a bullshit thing, the way we present abortion as a society. Laws are made to restrict access because the perpetrator of the crime (let’s face it, people who want restrictions think it’s a crime) “might feel guilty” about having an abortion. No one has suggested that waiting periods for gun sales, say, are

Seriously this response was so rude and condescending, i have you know that English is not my first or second language and i do have difficulties with writing, but i thought maybe people would not judge me or mock me. It is nothing to do with my education or public school reform, this is also the Internet and really


I don’t understand how expecting someone to sit down and do some research about a sensitive issue like this is unreasonable, especially after the example you’ve cited. In fact, it’s a huge disappointment that he wasn’t self-aware enough to do that the hundred other times he’s done stuff like this before.

I don’t think that a 6-year-old is mature enough to be in charge of a toddler. I think I”m in the minority here.

kill me

I’m hoping it does, but I can say after the first three episodes I still don’t give a single shit about anything that’s happening. My husband looked at me last night and started laughing because I must have been making a face that was completely annoyed at the entire thing. Which really sucks, because I really, really

Honestly, don’t bother. It’s boring as shit. I watched the first episode and about ten minutes of the second before realizing I don’t care about one character or plot line. Or do, and let me know how wrong I am.

Uff, this is such a terribly condescending article. As an Indian urban woman from a city, I find her tone patronising to say the least. I have no desire to defend the deep patriarchal mindset that most Indian men, and several women, in my country swear by - but c’mon, this is ridiculous. She goes to a semi-urban part

Sure, but the director used the word “femininity” and more specifically, suggested that foregoing heels would be a “surrender of her feminity”. That ruffled my feathers.

“...I very sincerely was looking to make a real badass action heroine who doesn’t surrender her femininity in the process of being a badass action heroine.”

How narrow a definition of “femininity” do you have to have in order to think that the feminine female femme musn’t wear flats/boots while running from a T. rex?


Now playing

To be fair, “Two Legs Bad” IS a fairly blatant attack on Taylor. Orwell even got the rest of Animal Farm to mock her music

Call it a brovalanche.

Like when Thoreau went to chill for a bit on the backlot of Emerson’s property.