Kinja is bad and wouldn’t let me edit my own post after a few seconds, so:
Kinja is bad and wouldn’t let me edit my own post after a few seconds, so:
“The word is just ingrained too much into our generations vocabulary.”
“To be a bit of a devil’s advocate here, I think the real argument is more philosophical”
As an adult, I don’t struggle to maintain my current friendships. Much harder is making new friends, especially since none of my friends are local.
Except this time, they don’t even pilot the zoids...?
looking at my profile pic...they should really know....make Hoshi no Samidare into an anime.
There’s nothing inherently irrational about this behavior. It’s both possible and true that the type of players on pubg mobile are a different audience from PUBG PC, and that Fortnite is far superior to both of them in terms of skin quality and novelty.
It does, in fact, say “Average”
This is shovel envy, nothing more. Yeah, it sucks that people had to work hard to get bonuses, but that’s because Twitch had a really high barrier to entry. This isn’t anything other than gatekeeping + “Hey, I worked hard for this, so you should have to too, even though it’s an arbitrary difficulty!”
No, it’s negative sum because there’s a net loss to the miners (paying the energy costs for mining) and other consumers (everyone’ electric bills go up do to increased demand)
No worries, Kinja autoscroll strikes all of us.
I just saw this, sorry. If you don’t do well on your tests, usually nothing too severe happens to you (other than not being able to get into any of the citywide schools, like Bronx Science, Brooklyn Tech, Stuy, La Guardia, et cetera). You’ll probably go to your local P.S. if they have any openings / have higher…
“It is real annoying when people start trying to read between the lines trying to find things that aren’t necessarily there when it is merely meant to be taken at face value.”
Then why are you commenting on an unrelated studio’s unrelated game my dude. Do you think Ethan has some hot scoops he’s not reporting because he posted this?
“The Holocaust didn’t effect the U.S.” sure is a spicy hot take my dude.
Yup! The main character is a war criminal who gets reborn as a cool teenager with a harem.
“To find out whether or not you should engage in a Ponzi scheme, we ask two people heavily invested in the Ponzi scheme”
It seems like you’re reading in something I never said. We went into the game, on launch, knowing missions and strikes were only 3 people.
I have 3 friends who play Destiny 2 with me, and a 4th who sometimes is online (EU hours for him) when we play.
Oh, I hoped it would unlock, IDK, more content in this pithy expansion.