
Not exactly, since Story Teller’s mechanics are based out of a certain sort of narrative story, though it’s flexable enough to cover something like Exalted, but fundamentally have binary outcomes. Powered by the Apocalypse (PbtA) is a little bit more narrative based, in that every roll is likely to have negative

In NYC there are rigorous admission exams for kindergarten, my guy.

Except I’m colorblind so green / orange and blue / purple are extremely hard for me to distinguish.

Though I’m not sure you realize this, but a lot of Taro’s public face is a half act. The real reason he wore the mask was originally as a “fuck you”to Square Enix for making him do extensive press tours, and he managed to turn it into a joke. It’s the same with how he’s self-loathing. Sure, he has self-depricating

FLCL was such a part of my 8th grade life. It’s hard to figure out how I feel about it coming back.

This isn’t actually true. Most women were married off in their 20s, after they had helped their family with their trade. Only the extremely wealthy planned marriages for young women as soon as they turned 12, often in order to cement alliances.

DnD is the opposite of a narrative based tabletop game. DnD is like...the epitome of a systems based game.

“I’ve been preparing my whole life for something like this.”

I mean, I was a fencer (epee and sabre) at a D1 school, did Kendo and Naginata after I graduated college, and did HEMA in High School and after I left Kendo, so, probably in a sense, more than most have. Now I just lift because I don’t have a ton of time to devote to weapon-based MAs.

There’s a lot of bullshit in this game that is completely unreasonable. Mount and Blade is more accurate to combat than this game is.

Trump is well known to be an aggressive teetotaler and germaphobe. He is on weight-loss pills that make people manic, though.  

Robert and Donald are pretty estranged from each other due to Robert’s alcoholism problems when he was younger, and Trump hates alcohol and anyone who drinks it more than a little. So. Probably a lot more awkward. Not as much a Trump hated his older brother, Fred Jr, who died from his alcoholism.

Both Batou and the Major are Full Body Prosthetics in both the Oshii movies and SAC, and I’m pretty sure Batou is the same way in the original manga.

Not the wizard, the witch.

I think the author uses female pronouns, but yes, that’s basically a quote from the article

So, I’m a criminologist, and this is not true in the US. Prisoner’s sentences are not a function of inability to pay court imposed fines, and if they are, they’re usually a violation of terms of parole. The federal courts have pretty elaborate payment schema in order to ensure that people don’t go to prison for court

Untrue, prison sentences are very common for first offense of possession.

Great points! I hadn’t considered rights or the work required to remaster something like Takedown. Thoughtful kinja, who knew?

Takedown and Revenge are legendary burnout games.

Ok, but Burnout Paradise is the worst Burnout? Why not something like Burnout 2?