

Environmentalism and social inequality are among the themes of the original Gundam series. He’s absolutely been this cranky all along, and he’s always been pretty perceptive about this stuff, even if the anime wraps it in a bit of whimsy. 

the entirety of Gundam depends on a magical element that not only produces near infinite energy, but also is used in construction that breaks the square-cube law. He knew it was fantasy from the start. Also, I wouldn’t say “shoot for the stars” is the moral Gundam tries to teach...more like “don’t become a child

makes me think this is really just an elaborate pump and dump scam aimed at avoiding securities law.”

That’s exactly how you overwhelm the healthcare system and end up killing people who could have otherwise been saved with treatment.

There is no such thing as a billionaire non-villian, or even a billionaire-loving non-villian. Uh oh!

So Tony Stark would absolutely be a villain in real life. Like, you know, he’d probably just stay being a weapons manufacturer than be a (shitty) superhero.

So yeah, Musk is a villian.  Any person who hoards that much money and has the gall to tell people to GET BACK TO WORK can go get fucked.

And there it is.  Hold up.  You mean I should just use my immune system to stop the virus.  AH DANG, YO!!! THIS IS A GAME CHANGER.

Holy shit, I really hope this post is meant to be bad satire. The cartoon villany is on point though.

Well your misinformed opinions certainly imply that you are smarter than neither of them.

Someone said Musk is not Stark, but Justin Hammer: a rich douchebag who pays actual scientists to come up with revolutionary breakthroughs, then takes all the credit for the breakthroughs.

the only part I disagree with is "smart, well-meaning"

The idea that Musk genuinely cares about the planet, and didn’t just find a market set-dressing he could exploit, gets more remote by the day.

I just want the cult around this guy to be over, and for him to be revealed for what he really is, which is just your average run of the mill oligarch. 

I have to agree.
The DM is spending a ton of time prepping and running this game. Even if you’re running a prebuilt module, you’re still spending time outside of sessions reading ahead, modifying encounters and story bits, prepping characters and plots for when your players step outside, doing maps, etc.
If the DM isn’t

Jesus fuck did you actually recommend Play Dirty? Have you actually read that or was this a bullshit assignment that you just googled some sources for and listed at the end.

she was never like that in the source material though. the girly and goofy persona they give her in other media is how she’s portrayed in the manga.

I really like this take because I get the same feeling from a lot of Nazi oriented games. Where it sort of forgets that you are viewing history in a perceived realistic manner, it never had to pander to it in as you put it “knee slapping” fun with your fellow nazis.
Can you just imagine if Civilization had Hitler as

Yes, one THOUSAND percent agreed.

Classic example of “I’m rich because I’m smart, and I’m smart because I’m rich” phenomenon.