What fuckin sex position involves you not moving and balancing your entire weight on your forearms, man
What fuckin sex position involves you not moving and balancing your entire weight on your forearms, man
Completely different sorts of headphones. The Momentums are funner sounding closed-back headphones that are meant to be driven from a phone. They sound rich, but they’re not the most resolving or best headphones.
Completely different sorts of headphones. The Momentums are funner sounding closed-back headphones that are meant to…
Huh, so the dude who acts like a dick on camera as a “joke” is actually unable to handle any criticism of his behavior without insulting someone else. Fascinating.
That’s not really how this works. They’ll charge him with what they think will get him to plea to a lesser charge. It’s not like “Oh, this one didn’t stick, try him again!”
No games would ever come out if this happened.
He was arrested but not yet arraigned, since if you look at the document, no court or judge is listed. You can’t be denied bail if you haven’t had your arraignment yet.
Also, flight risk. Rich people with a lot of holdings in other countries often have bail denied during arraignment and then, only after lawyers are retained and everything’s ready to rumble, do they have a secondary bail hearing.
I would have done this but at my school, before and after every test, we had to prove that we had wiped our calculators.
“Racism involves hatred.”
“Things like this make me consider stop going to Gawker at all”
Talking about shutting the internet down is a joke, my guy.
Seems like a more serious and less anime version of VA-11 HALL-A, which is an exceptional game.
From where I’m standing, literally nothing of value was lost. No idea how people find thousands of edgy “lol u” emoji spam messages and calls to kill minorities a second fun or entertaining, but, whatever.
“AGDQ and SGDQ are about community coming together for a cause”
While I agree with you, a LOT of people like to watch the person themselves play the game.
Denmark and the Scandinavian nations are not even close to socialist, by any stretch of the imagination. They’re almost all* free-market capitalist countries with strong social support systems.
Yes and no, depends on the strength of how you think you can make certain sorts of arguments. It’s rare to request a bench trial, even if you think you’re in the right. In a jury trial, the defense needs to convince 1 person they’re innocent. In a bench trial, you’re both vying for one person to make that decision,…
75,000 is the damages floor to get into court. They’re not asking for 75,000.
I’m deeply skeptical of Star Citizen, but citing Derek Smart in anything about Star Citizen (or calling him a game dev rather than a lunatic) doesn’t do a lot to sell me on this take.
That implies Jezebel cares about their impact or has any sort of journalistic ethics when their parent company wanted to pay tons of money for random “people we think are funny” sex tapes.