
Liberate tutemet ex inferis!


Something tells me he's only got the one option much of the time.

And with that gem, this meme can at last be taken out behind the barn and shot.

Not unless somebody gets that man a gallon of Gatorade and some Jergens, stat!

Maybe we shouldn't have taken that left turn at Albuquerque.

Someone, fetch me my clutching pearls! Choppy-choppy!

That's why they're pissed; they don't want anyone else muscling in on their racket.

Bill O'Reilly's involvement with children's books frightens me more than would the collected works of Stephen King, read to me by Christopher Walken over a mental asylum's PA system as I lay nude, paralyzed by Fugu toxin and strapped to an autopsy table at 3:00 in the morning.

Depends what you ate.

Guess you'll have to settle for being a sensible person.

Yeah, could somebody please block that angry child?

I flat-out asked someone last night; what would be the appropriate time and place they would choose for the Ferguson protesters to protest?

I am trying mightily to keep this in perspective. I love her, she's a brilliant woman but she has been subject to decades of skillful indoctrination. That's a root cause, dontcha think? Like that old song from South Pacific, you have to be carefully taught.

Talk about fragility; my GF isn't speaking to me right now because I had the nerve to bring this up before her. I pretty clearly side with the Rams players on this one, as well as the Ferguson protestors. She sides with the cops. All cops, always, because her daddy was a cop who taught her the police are the ones you

Honestly, I've always blamed Woodstock. I'm plenty liberal, but changing the world takes engagement and effort, not LSD and long weekends.

As far as I can tell, somewhere between 1958 and 1971.

This particular fish is rotten from the head to the tail.