
Well, Bono's still fucked up from that bike crash, or I'm sure he would've already uploaded a new inspirational anthem to the iCloud.

No, really, don't.

Thanks for all my future nightmares.

No no, don't do that, just... just don't.

A bow of RIGHTEOUSNESS, and a quiver of EMPOWERMENT, loaded with arrows of DESTINY!

Maybe it started as a swinger's club and they had to serve food to get an operating license? Or maybe they're only open on Wednesdays?

Why not both?

You're a truck full of thought grenades, and the brakes are out, baby!

Oh, no, no, you don't want to go vegan; those people taste like shit.

Not a week ago I had this discussion with another poster. Short version: in my head, 1963-1989 is Volume I of the show. The TV movie is Volume Ia, or just a footnote if you like. Volume II of course is 2005-Present. You don't have to dive into Volume I to get or love the show, because -again, in my head- Volume II is

I could see it as a one-off, one of the Dalek's Frankensteinian abominations, running amok, as they do whenever the Daleks try to be creative. It always tickles me whenever the Doctor is introduced to a new version of his old foes and gets that "Aw, crap, now what" look on his face.

That is really not the worst thing I've ever seen. It's not even the worst Dalek concept I've ever seen.

When the Rebels blew up the Death Star, did you cry for the wives and kids of all those Imperial dicks?

Walmart will burn that bridge when they come to it, as always; the employees should remember that.

If it's bad for Walmart, it's good for America, and humanity.