
Yeah, that would've been cool though to me, they had far more pressing concerns (namely survival) at the moment. Had Holden's life and their own not have been in imminent danger I think trying to learn more about the protomolecule creature would have made sense. As is, they did manage to learn some things about it.

I'm right there with you on all points. I'll add that I actually appreciate that they didn't go for simply an explosive season finale and instead allowed for room to breathe. I kind of getting the feeling that the reviewer wanted a more traditional finale and part of what I've come to admire from this excellent show

I just started re-reading American Gods. Obviously because the show looks like it's going to be something special and also out of curiosity to see how well it stands over fifteen years later. Maybe it's because 15 years of life tends to make someone at least a little more intelligent and certainly more experienced,

Ah, cool. Maybe I'll check out a couple episodes on Amazon and see if I think it's worth paying for or just holding out until it's free. Thanks!

Where is Rebels streaming anyways? It seems to be fairly acclaimed and I'd like to go ahead and start watching it now that it's about to end.

That would have been great - especially after they did such a good job foreshadowing The Wolves and they had proven (imho) to be one of the more interesting evil groups crazy Rick and Co. encountered. After season six's last half and that nauseating cliffhanger I had hoped they would at least surprise me but the only

Everything about the Baby Driver trailer(s) just makes me way too happy. I know they pushed the film up by a month, but my impatient internet self wants it right now.

I would have rather they just went somewhere with the Wolves instead of brought Negan into it. Negan + snail's pace plot advancement x a seeming complete disregard for telling a good/interesting story pretty much beat any enjoyment I had in this show out of me.

Alex goofing off in zero g is one of the main reasons I love this show so much. Sure, as was said in the review it could be considered a throwaway scene side from the very end of it but it just helps make the world feel so natural and lived in.

I'm about to start a Dune illustration for a David Lynch themed art party. Even as a huge fan of the novel and understanding that Mr. Lynch himself prefers to remain distanced from the film I unapologetically love it.

I can't wait until this season is over so I can go back and binge it all in a day (or two, you know work and life and such) and pick up all the little details that I undoubtedly missed the first time through. This show has exceeded my very high expectations on pretty much every level.

Avasarala is such a boss and seriously, if Alex dies I'm am going to be really really… sad, to say the lest. Major props for getting me a little misty eyed with Santichai's death, even though I only knew him for about 40 minutes. The look on poor Holden's face just adding to the tragedy and helped sell the fact that

The first half of season 2 of DD was phenomenal and pretty much equal to season 1, the second half? Not so much. For me DD is still the best of the bunch; most nuanced, best acting, all around most interesting characters, best villain (though Cottonmouth and Kilgrave were both excellent). Season 1: 4 out of 5. Season

Okay, what I said last week was slightly incorrect. This was definitely the best episode of the show so far and just an outstanding hour of television in general. Simply wow.

This has probably been my favorite episode of the series so far. As someone who hasn't yet read the books I loved how they subverted the heroic mission expectations by making it all for naught. Also, even as someone who isn't even slightly religious I understand and respect people's love for their places of worship so

Meh, does anyone (other than the filthy rich popstars getting awarded) actually care about the Grammys? I'l take my angry outsiders making loud, actually unique music any day over what is Grammy worthy. For the record, I mean this as no slight to the late, great David Bowie. Though, in his case hasn't his music been

So, everyone keeps sharing and praising David Harbour's very badass speech but most seem incredibly mum about Mahershala Ali's very thoughtful and maybe more poignant speech. Is it because it wasn't splashy? Because it's more soft spoken? Or is it simply because Stranger Things is ridiculously popular? Anyways, it's

Not that this has anything to do with this show, but is AV Club not reviewing season 2 of The Expanse?

Exactly! I was initially bummed simply because of the wait. Then, I realized I am completely invested in the character's fates and really just wanted to see what's next. All in all, I loved the episode and felt the feels when it came to 10k's death and resurrection.

I'm gonna straight up respectfully disagree with this review. It feels more reactionary to the fallout from TWD's plodding and cheap cliffhanger/resolution than an actual assessment to Z Nation's episode. No, everything wasn't brought to a resolution and for a show with (I believe) two seasons left, I certainly didn't