
I'm honestly having a very hard time remembering what else she's been in. One of the Mission:Impossible movies? I think she's one of those actors that really needs strong material to work with. Some actors can elevate even the worst scripts, others not so much. Still, she did a remarkable job with what seems like a

Thanks! I definitely meant to type Jeffrey.

Thandie Newton managed to somehow stand out in a cast that includes the powerhouse performances of Anthony Hopkins, Ed Harris and Jeffrey Wright. She was a complete revelation and it's cool to see her getting the recognition she deserves.

I couldn't have summed it up better. One of the most interesting bits of camp was actually used to address the issue of "what happens when there are far more zombies than humans," question that lurks in the back of most of our minds when we watch these types of stories. I'm referring to the ludicrous zombie ball that

Since the second season of Z Nation, I've actually looked forward to each episode and season 3 has been pretty much excellent for almost every episode. The funny thing is, I watched season 1 simply as a campy diversion. Part of it is the writing and characters keep improving, another part is the story seems to be

Well, I sat through the ridiculous second half of season 6 only for the premier to do the most obvious thing in the most drawn out fashion and somehow managed to kill two of the best characters in a way that was tragic or surprising and was instead just gross and for shock value. Yes, I know how Glenn and Abraham die

I'm glad I gave this up after the second episode this season (which was infinitely better than that dismal premiere) and save my zombie entertainment for a show that manages to be dark, funny, hopeful, bleak, optimistic, hasn't killed off all the characters worth caring about and actually allows them to make

The Handmaiden trailer (like the film itself) blew me away. I definitely found the trailer for Don't Breath to be far more effective and better done than the one for The Woods.

Hard Boiled gets most of the love, but objectively speaking The Killer is hands down the best and maybe the best action film of all-time. Not my humble opinion, simply the truth. :)

The Killer is easily one of the all-time greats of action cinema. Basically all of John Woo's heroic bloodshed films belong in the top 100..

I seriously need to read more of his work. Any recommendations?

Sad but so true.

The Walking Dead has so many more flaws it could start lending them out to about a dozen other shows.

Prophet is pretty unique and at times it approaches and even attains incredible to me. But, it terms of marrying the fantastic and creative madness with equally great storytelling, world building and characters that are fleshed out, I will take East of West any day over Prophet. To me East of West is the under

I admit it, it took me until midway through season 6 to realize the garbage I was watching. The season finale killed it for me but I still watched this episode out of spite and just to see if they would do exactly what I (and apparently a lot of others) thought they would. And… it was boring, nihilistic nonsense that

Hmm, I must have missed that between yawns. But sure, keep trying to insult my intelligence because I insulted your precious TV show. You're doing absolute wonders when it comes to proving your point. That's complete sarcasm, by the way. Seriously, enjoy your junk food and accept the fact that I'm going to move on to

Don't hold your breath waiting for that post. Seriously don't. Love the show all you want, no sweat off my back. At the same time, try to understand that I'm done with it. Though if you can't understand that, maybe try not to insult someone simply because they don't like what you do?

If nothing from the last half of season 6 up until the point where Negan threw the hatchet directly out of the winnebago and it magically appeared on top of it (though he never threw it upwards) didn't torture your intellect, I say good for you. I defended my enjoyment of this show for 6 and 1/2 seasons throughout

Exactly, the production is through the roof but sadly everything else is currently lacking. I will say that Jeffrey Dean Morgan was/is phenomenal though. Here's hoping that he asks for way too much money and they kill him off and he can move on to better things. Same with much of the core cast, honestly.

That's true. I mean, you never knew me so of course you won't miss me. Are you 12 or something?