
Fair enough. Enjoy watching your torture porn masquerading as intelligent storytelling but in all actuality aiming for the lowest common denominator with cheap gimmicks and shock tactics.

Well, after hate watching this I honestly think a C- is a perfectly generous review. Seriously, all the drama over that nonsensical cliffhanger was just so they could basically kill the two exact same characters who were killed before the "All-Out War," storyline? The whole thing felt like torture porn and this is

That's ironic, because one of the very few interesting and human characters just ended up with his brains bashed in just like in the comic. Because, being a decent and humane person is so overrated in TWD. Also, atmospheric?

You're kidding right? This review was actuallly kind to the garbage I just witnessed. After the stupidity of the last half of season 6, we get a ton of pandering, sad/scared Rick face, and the painfully obvious deaths of Glenn and Abraham. What's worse is it felt like it was almost played for laughs. If you're into

I disagree with The Departed and The Ring being better than their original counterparts but they are still great remakes.

Towards the end of season one, I found Z Nation to be almost as entertaining as the Walking Dead. By the end of season 2 (and following the dismal second half of season 6 of TWD) I find it far more entertaining a show. Who knew that would ever be the case?

After finishing season one twice, I gotta respectfully disagree about it not being "particularly great." Opinions though, right?

I just now finished this remarkable series and all I can say is ,"wow" which doesn't give it justice at all. Probably everyone I know is sick of me talking about it. What a gem. And such a perfect finale. Beautifully done, poignant and emotional. Not to mention, incredibly exciting and action packed in a series that

Margery's sudden about-face and allegiance with the faith seems like an intelligent maneuver on her part and honestly less like she's been brainwashed. It's clear that the people of King's Landing love the faith militant and Margaery realizes that by simply wiping out the faith, they'd probably end up inciting a

Yeah, Margaery is and has always been legitimately badass and I would pick her to sit on the Iron Throne over anyone else but parts of the argument in her favor about seem to gloss over the fact that no matter how badass Loras is, he's a homosexual in Westeros being punished by a devoutly religious cult. I'm fairly

Haha okay. Well since trying to actually hold an intelligent conversation with you is about as easy as trying to do so with a brick wall I bid you good day. Perhaps when you decide to put on your big boy (girl) pants we can continue this.

You are remarkably boring to "talk to," and you clearly have an impressively limited grasp on how to actually voice your opinions.

Referencing Stalingrad was simply an example, do you know this word? Wait, I just realized I've been suckered into a conversation with a six year old. I concede, enough of my time has been wasted trying to talk with you. Continue being an angry fanboy unable to accept that others may have a differing opinion than you.

Odd because I was actually trying to converse with you like an adult and your reaction is to throw up your hands in the air because you clearly can't form a logical rebuttal other than to call me sad.

Wow, you must be one of those people who just starts shouting when the moment they start losing a debate. Sorry for having a differing opinion and soundly explaining it and then having the nerve to think you could do the same. Clearly I've overestimated you.

Also, I forgot to mention this earlier, but honestly what better way to have a group of people work for you then to kill the leader? Killing the husband of a pregnant wife would never work. Hence the "All Out War," of the comics. Killing the leaders teenage son is definitely only going to inspire defiance. Killing any

I can see what you're saying in both cases but I have to respectfully disagree. If Negan is as pragmatic as I've heard (I gave up on the comics long ago) then he would not take any unnecessary risks and not gaging and binding them is an unnecessary risk no matter how in control he thinks he is.

That would be the ultimate fan trolling. Yeah, I listened to it as well. If that's the case, they went the same cliched and safe and frankly uninteresting way as the comics. I'm not surprised but I am disappointed.

I'd agree with you but a) Glenn is one of the few interesting characters left on the show and b) this whole killing everyone that Maggie cares about thing has gotten so old that it's almost become its one trope. Same with killing every character that shows some sort of humanity and compassion. I've said it before and

Well, that was a masterclass in how to alienate your fans and make them hate you. Was that what they were going for? So much dumb. For starters, if Negan s so calculating and has such a large army, why didn't he set up Rick and his group of merry murderers far sooner? Also, why weren't they all bound and gagged?