
I'm only giving you one like for that comment because that's all I'm allowed. Just so you know, I'd give you at least three.

We wil never see them grow the balls to kill Rick off. There, fixed it for you. :)

Dear fellow nerds and/or movie goers,

SPOILER ALERT! When The Punisher tells DD about his daughter, I think something got in my eyes. Dust or something, yeah.

Good to know! I won't bother wasting my time, thanks!

I think I may it to episode three of the first season. Does it ever get good?

Boardwalk Empire had a terrible habit of killing off its most interesting and multi-dimensional characters. It lost most of its fire with Jimmy Darmody, Owen's death was another huge blow to it. Richard Harrow's death was the final nail in the coffin for me.

Haha, well it is a valid question so it makes sense that people bring it up. Part of being able to suspend ones disbelief is attention to little details that more fully immerse the viewer in the experience. It's just kind of funny that the show runners have chosen to leave out that detail.

I feel the same. It is a little weird though and I wish I wouldn't have thought about it.

Depends on the breed really. Also the owner of said dog. For instance, your typical Grey Hounds, Great Danes and a number of larger breed dogs are relatively quite. Mid-size to smaller dogs tend to be the loud ones. And I admit, I doubt they would survive long without their owners. German Shepards however are usually

I'm going to go with a solid no here. Interesting argument but Tom Hardy perfectly took up the mantle of Max and it in no way would have been better with Mel Gibson reprising the role.

Something just struck me as odd about this show. Where the hell are all the stray dogs and cats? I know we saw the pack of feral dogs and there was that mangy little dude that Daryl and I forget her name ran into at the church but that's all I recall seeing. Also why does no-one have a pet dog in this show? Surely not

If the headline is only referring to the very ridiculous video game battle at the end, then yes it's pretty accurate. If its also referring to the numerous deaths and eye loss of a main cast member, then not so much.

Okay, true. Decent really wasn't the right choice of words. That doesn't change my point to begin with though, which is that everything did not work out for everyone.

Haha, "everything works out for everyone." Except for a certain family of three. Oh and a young boy who got his eye shot out. And a wolf who tried to actually be a decent human being and ended up bit and then shot by terminatrix Carol. So, maybe "everything works out for almost everyone," would have been a better

In particular Kill Bill Vol. 2 is my favorite Tarantino film. I honestly feel that he nailed every bit of that movie in a way that he hasn't quite reached before or since. And yes, that includes Pulp Fiction for me.

I honestly expected this one to be a throw-back to A New Hope and that doesn't bother me. To me, JJ's strength doesn't lie in innovation but more in making nostalgia seem fresh (to varying degrees of success). Now, episode 8 I expect to be a whole different thing and I feel like that's why Rian Johnson was chosen to

Yeah, EoW is definitely the series that got me completely back into comics after a decade of just occasionally picking up and indie here and there and re-reading old favorites. The scale and imagination in this story puts it in the same league with the works of Katsuhiro Otomo, Brian K. Vaughn's Y The Last Man, and

That's true. Perhaps "overlooked," is a better word? I've reread each volume at least twice and I feel that it's going to stand the test of time and will be recognized for being easily one of the best comics of its time.

Well, now I have to read The Dying and the Dead, because East of West has been the one series since Y The Last Man that has kept me completely enthralled with every issue.Though, I only read by trade, so maybe every chapter is more accurate. Anyways, yes, I feel EoW is that good.