
This seems to be an ongoing occurrence for East of West, which has to me been the most imaginative, well-thought out and engaging comic I've read in years.

No East of West? I can't wait until a couple years from now when everyone is rightfully calling it one of the most underrated comic series in recent history. And I came from the future just to post this. Waste of time travel, sure but it needed to be said. Seriously, all of you who haven't read East of West, please do

That's not at all what he was trying to do. What an interesting conclusion to come to, especially after an extra long episode devoted to showing exactly why Morgan is the way he is. I think people are mistaking Carol's ruthlessness as being pragmatic.

Exactly. The funny thing is it was her actions that allowed the wolf to escape. Had she actually listened to Morgan and talked it out instead of threatening to kill him just to kill the wolf he never would have got the drop on them. Plus, while being under siege by hundreds of zombies isn't exactly the best time to be

Ha, good point! Though, ever since she killed Tyrese's gf she's been on a bit of kill spree. Not that it isn't cool watching her kick all the ass but still I feel like her purpose has now become achieving a ridiculous body count. My point is that I'd rather see a character who is more than capable of wiping out their

Ugh, I'd rather be done with Carol if I had to lose one of them. At least there's more to Morgan than just being a badass with a bo staff. Carol was a compelling character when she was coming into her own but now all she is is a terminator.

My initial thoughts with the announcement that this is essentially Avengers 3 was "well, hopefully they'll at least feature a few scenes with Winter Soldier." I don't mind admitting that I was apparently wrong.

Tara giving Rick the bird after he flipped out on her for saving Deanna's son was my favorite part of this episode. And I'm on team Glenn. I'm just sick of everyone being all,"hey you're fairly unstable and seem better at killing people and getting people killed than actually trying to help us all build a stable and

That actually looks far more interesting than what we got.

The love that movie gets is beyond my understanding. It's a shame that Pontypool never got the recognition it deserves.

Pontypool is honestly my favorite zombie movie. Yes, even more so than Night of the Living Dead and Dawn of the Dead.

Thirst was phenomenal and so underrated!

Drag Me to Hell was awful and at best deserves a place around 25 of the list. Seriously, not even remotely scary and there's no way it deserves a spot higher than 28 Days Later or Let the Right One In. Also, The Babadook was painfully overrated and a hgue let down. I know, I'm stating a bunch of opinions as facts. But

She is, sure. But she was also completely caught up in the moment and seeing that she was armed it wouldn't have been that hard for her to take out the wolves attacking Gabriel. Or even that time consuming. I like Carol as much as the next person -she's a badass and her arc has been one of the best in the show- but I

Maybe so, though she could have used her words and also when she saw Gabriel (who admittedly hasn't earned any favors from the group) her first words were to basically leave him to be slaughtered. So I think her concerns were less about people dying and more about killing wolves.

That's definitely true. Though, it's also a sign that she hasn't completely learned from the mistake she made at the prison (mistake seems to be putting it lightly). I'm not saying that I think he would have given any sort of useful information but that's because at this point I feel like I know more about the wolves

No one seems to realize that whether or not you agree with Morgan's worldview, it strategically makes a lot more sense to have actually taken at least one prisoner to figure out some things like, maybe where they hang out at, the potential numbers of their group, if they have a leader, etc. In spite of all Carol's

Well, that episode got me feeling the feels.

I'm definitely the camp that's slightly disappointed. Get Colour had just the perfect amount of melody and a pinch of poppy elements. This album is good, but far too familiar for my taste.

I'm just glad I watched it before reading this review. Not out of fear of spoilers, but because it may have dampened my enjoyment of it. Definitely an A- at least.