
I'm confused. Was The Wire not a very good show that became great to you? No sarcasm there, if it wasn't I'm really grateful to have not watched the same show that you did.

Thanks! Why does everyone keep giving Cersei all the credit for Ned's downfall when it was really Littlefinger?

Littlefinger got Ned Stark pretty good. Credit where credits due.

Give Sonic Jesus and their debut Neither Virtue Nor Anger a listen. For my money, there's nothing close to it so far this year. And I do think METZ is great.

I was actually saddened when Wesley died, not just for Fisk but also because I found Wesley's character to be admirable. How weird is it that they made me care for villains so much? This and Nelson vs Murdoch were maybe my two favorite episodes.

You'll be the first! Maybe by then, you'll have actually done something of note, or are you working on your autobiography? How To Think You're Clever And Better Than Everyone Else, The Unwanted and Uninteresting Jezzer Story. I could use some new shitter reading material.

Cool, enjoy your trolling! You probably have little else, but you are good at it.

Well played, mister (miss?) Jezzer. I'm sorry that something I poured a lot of work into (as did my wonderfully talented collaborators) only to not make our goal and then me being annoyed that someone who wanted $10 to make potato salad only to end up making more than double what we asked (in about a week no less)

About six months ago, some collaborators and I were working on starting an independent comic book publisher and decided to go through Kickstarter. We were asking $3000 to pay for they publishing of an anthology, get the website up and running and throw a release party for the first anthology. We failed miserably and

I have to respectfully disagree with you here. While I do watch and enjoy Defiance, it has more to do with the fact that I desperately want a good science fiction series (yes, there is Orphan Black which is amazing) that is high fantasy, but within two episodes of Dominion, I am more interested in where the story is

This article is just as annoying as all those posts on social media feeds about not watching the Super Bowl which are just as annoying as all those posts updating everyone on a social media site about the progress of the game. Good job?

What I got from it was that he craved revenge so much that by the end of the film he lost humanity and even when he fully got his vengeance, it didn't bring him peace or happiness.

I Saw The Devil is definitely anti-revenge, and a fantastic film, in my opinion.

Thank you! I think many of those people complaining have been fooled by Hollywood into thinking that as long as you point a gun and fire you're going to hit your target. It doesn't matter if your target is firing back and/or taking cover or better armed with more men.

I've seen every episode multiple times now. I got into the show during season three and re-watched it from the beginning for each new season. My point is, there's so many subtleties in this show and so many little things that you may have missed the first time around that revisiting it is a fairly awesome experience.

Curse the Weinsteins! They've also decided to trim Snowpiercer. Two directors I love with two new films and I have to see the edited for "dumb Americans," versions in the theaters?

All I needed to see was the inclusion of The Chameleons on this list. They are seriously one of my favorite bands.

I definitely don't think Jesse has been portrayed as being anything less than human. In fact, his portrayal to having lost a father figure (in addition to losing his love and thinking he was responsible for nearly killing a child. Oh, and killing a man) has been perfect. So, yeah, I think you've completely misread