
This video pretty much nails everything that is absolutely stupid about this film, yet even though I adore the original Dawn of the Dead, I can't deny that I actually still enjoy this thoroughly mindless action orgy. That said, I either dislike (Watchmen) to completely hate everything else Zack Snyder has directed.

The up vote was sincere and I'd give you multiple if I could. I read far too much history and watch way too many documentaries about history as well. Game of Thrones is (very entertaining) child's play when compared to our real history so I'm good so far!

Well, I look at it this way; Arya kills off the Freys wishing days of killing Walder Frey and his sons at the latest because it would be foolish to wait much longer to do so. So, her storyline isn't caught up with the rest of the major players. Kings Landing received word of their elimination first because Cersei

The time issue still isn't bothering me. Maybe I've just seen so many different movies and TV shows that I can almost see the whole, "3 Months Later," or "2 Weeks Ago," subtitle pop up on screen. That, and simple things like realizing that the leader of a massive fleet isn't going to send all his ships off to a

I actually feel like it was the one Nolan film that should have been long(er). The evacuation of Dunkirk was a massive affair and instead of hearing Kenneth Branagh tell me about how massive it was, it should have been shown. The runtime caused him to gloss over some very important aspects of the event and that really

The sound was incredible, it was impeccably shot but I can't help but feel like Chris Nolan decided to gloss over a lot of facts and replace them with bombast. Barely any mention of the contribution by the French? That could have been a movie in and of itself. Calling the Germans "the enemy," so you can completely

Lord Karstark killed the Lannister kids because he wanted justice after losing his son to Jamie Lannister. He wanted justice/vengeance and was unable to achieve that through Jamie since Catelyn let him go in an attempt to get her daughters back. So, it started with the release of Jamie.

Her and Theon are with Daenerys as far as I know.

Part (most) of the reason Catelyn had a hard time is because she put Robb in a very precarious situation by letting Jamie Lannister go. That's what initially caused the dissent of the Karstarks (and I think the Umbers as well, but I could be mistaken about that). Also, Sansa was the one who convinced Jon to fight

She's correct in a sense. What she's asking for though is for two families to lose their homes based on the actions of a few assholes. Notice how Arya spared the lives of the female Freys who clearly had nothing to do with the Red Wedding? I feel like that's a perfect parallel. Now is the time to make allies and

Exactly. Maybe they should have included one of those "1 Year Later," texts for the people who can't seem to figure out very simple things based on context and common sense.

And considering Jorah's a pretty smart dude it's reasonable to think that he probably thought of going to Oldtown first and as a result has been there for a decent amount of time. Also, significant in showing the passage of time is the fact that what we saw of him is almost entirely covered by grayscale. When we last

Jorah left Dany in episode 5 last season. Euron becomes king of the Iron Islands and has his people make a fleet of 1000 ships after Theon and Yara skedaddle with his fleet in episode 4 of last season. A whole whole lot of stuff has happened between then and now including Sam and Gilly's baby growing to be at least a

Farscape is hands down my favorite live action science fiction series, though The Expanse could possibly claim the throne. Thanks for this!

Wow, AV Club gave Spider-Man 3 a B-? Wait, that movie is actually certified fresh on Rotten Tomatoes? I get that Spider-Man 2 was fantastic (sorry, spectacular) but that's a lot of favorable reviews for that disaster.

I'm in the opposite camp, Logan was a good and bloody yet fairly derivative time at the movies for me but Get Out on the other hand will probably still end up in my top ten of the year. To each their own though!

Instead of trimming down the Diana and Steve moments, why not trim down that entire garbage final act? I was far more pumped with the no man's land scene and nearly everything afterwards met with more meh than bang. I do agree that every character aside from Diana and Steve got the short straw though.

Furiosa (cinematically anyways) has already claimed that mantle. She'd probably be willing to share it with Wonder Woman though.

That's what I've been hearing! The question now is, do I wait until all 8 episodes are finished (giving me more than enough time to finish the book) and then get the free trial of Starz or do I just go ahead and star watching it? For the record, I'm not a slow reader. I've just been reading it in between work, art

The Magellan Boys is the perfect name for them and I appreciate after very little screen time they rocketed up to some of my favorite characters even amongst a group of standouts.