See Gearbox? You can adjust text size!
See Gearbox? You can adjust text size!
OMG yes! Please!
A story gets really boring if the hero never fails or runs into hurdles. The Hobbit wouldn’t be that interesting without goblins, trolls and a m-effin dragon in the way.
I work with civil engineers too, and I use Google maps to point them where the existing hydrants are. :P
And no sign of vertical split screen inclusion.... Getting tired of dealing with the headaches just to play with wifey.
Who the hell is Boze?
Getting closer to this:
Can we bump this up to the top? I think everyone needs to simmer down and read this. Hurting the many great people who slaved over this game for years is not the answer.
Hours upon hours of Daggerfall when I was in middle school is still the reason I’m afraid of sounds in the dark.... and those half submerged in water dungeons.... *shivers*
I just want a poo vacuum that only picks up fecal matter and nothing else. That looks fantastic!
This would of been even better:
I went to go drink some milk after I saw your comment so I could go back and read it again to shoot milk out my nose.
So like the beginning of Daggerfall, minus the crafting. How many times I overexerted myself and died by damned rats in that first dungeon... ugh...
Good day sir, I do not know you, but kindly go play in traffic. Thank you!
Going to have to call these guys:
Reapers.... Though I have heard of this phenomenon before, I have yet to receive an explanation.
I’m waiting for the eye phone.
Is she trying to summon the deadites?