Smartphone will be replaced by this, but probably not until the tech is small enough and fashionable to be inside a standard looking eyeglasses. Maybe a few decades, unless the singularity happens of course. :P
Smartphone will be replaced by this, but probably not until the tech is small enough and fashionable to be inside a standard looking eyeglasses. Maybe a few decades, unless the singularity happens of course. :P
This song is criminally underrated.
Is that guy in the last pic taking out wacky failing guys come to life? That would be terrifying!
Your colorblindness must not be as bad as mine. I got a 236 :)
AI = Artificial Intelligence... As far as I know we haven’t achieved that yet. We’ve created pretty good convincing algorithms, but no intelligence.... yet.
This wins the internet today, bravo sir, bravo!
That ship is clearly landing... Just saying. :D
This would be a lot easier for children. I stayed in a hospital for a week with my 2 yr old pulling her eeg wires out everyday... Even with arm restraints.
This just in, AI does not exist... yet.
Look at the first image, it does appear that he does have something on the other side as well.
The CAS9 protein was rejected. They will just have to find other proteins that will not be rejected. A hiccup at best, we are at the dawn of gene therapy and nothing is going to stop it.
Lookin like a bad ass, except for the part you have to do the “I-got-poo-in-my-pants” jiggle every so often to be sure the ammo is at the bottom of the box. :P
Oh the 80s, remember when Hollywood used white actors for every roll no matter the ethnicity? Good times.... oh wait....
Hmmm.... Gacha written by Ethan Gach.... I think this dude is in on the whole thing! Nice try, trying to get us, HA!
You not in the right marriage then dude, that’s typically a lie too.
Nice, thanks for the correction, lol
The guy in the cyan shirt... what is wrong with his stomach? Does he have something under his shirt? That guy took my focus more than the turtle.
My id for here and almost everything I do in game and out was the name I used in FFXI. I still am at least FB friends with my whole linkshell.
Nice, Leo! I loved the ending... “My school got an ‘F’”. Lol