believe it or not, some famous people still value their own privacy and making no public appearances for two months isn’t uncommon. even more so when most people probably recognized his mask more than his face
believe it or not, some famous people still value their own privacy and making no public appearances for two months isn’t uncommon. even more so when most people probably recognized his mask more than his face
Devastating. The best flow in the game.
This story genuinely made my day. All the feels. My wife and I both had tears of joy reading it. I’m glad some real humans brimming with actual humanity still exist.
Anyone non-white and non-male in that group needs a good talking to.
Sorry to be that guy but,.....
ah, but with the synthesis ending Shepard and and Garrus can have sex without worrying about their bodily fluids being poisonous to each other.
That announcement video for Perfect Dark was so so unnecessary... Almost 4 minutes of developers talking about the amazing game they haven’t made yet, spliced with the same 30 seconds of cutscenes they’ve managed to render up to this point. Next time just do one of those zoomed-in logos that twists and swerves and…
Of course they don’t. Fucking lying murdering criming sonsofbitches.
Reporters need to stop putting out cop versions of shootings until the public can see body cam video.
Now would be time to set up something to follow up with this story, to see if the local police start harassment of the family.
Here’s to hoping there’ll be a Superhot-style recap feature at the end of a match that lets you watch your battle play out in real time!
What a bunch of whiny little assholes. We’ve had centuries of exclusively male leadership, even if Harris does become president life will go on. Also, if your religion tells you that ‘women voting goes against “God’s ordained order of men being the leaders”’, time to choose a new religion.
Finally, someone built a scooter that doesn’t look like the disappointing consolation prize for people who can’t (or won’t) ride a motorcycle.
racist shitheads like this make me ashamed to be white.
A video game console that doubles as a humidifier! Just in time for the dry winter months. What’ll they think of next? :)
I dunno, I still like Insaniquarium.