No shame - there's a lot to watch! Nobody really knows at this point, but my gut says it will probably be great without having seen it, but far better if you have an investment in the character of Jesse Pinkman.
No shame - there's a lot to watch! Nobody really knows at this point, but my gut says it will probably be great without having seen it, but far better if you have an investment in the character of Jesse Pinkman.
Gumbercules? I love that guy!
If you don’t buy that Trabi, cut it into pieces, trek it back in your suitcase, and stick it on a Jeep body, I will lose all respect for you. Kauf es.
Oh, yeah, absolutely. I totally got where you were coming from there; sorry if my comment didn't express that. In that regard, you are right.
“Authored” has some value, though: I’ve written things in which I had to write “X wrote” so many times that using the word “authored” was far less intrusive than the sixty-third “wrote”. I imagine “curate” has use as well. I guess for me, context is the deciding factor as to whether a word is annoying.
The gas station I go to has exactly two (yeah, 2) parking spaces, at least one of which is always occupied by an employee. There’s really nothing to do except park at the pump - or maybe lined up in the curb. Then again, they sell bottled drinks, bagged snacks, cigarettes, and lottery tickets. Nobody’s having breakfast…
Same, dude. Along with ladies saying that they are jealous of your hair.
Only if you put it in H.
Supremely well done. I’ve never been able to describe Krystal to anyone, ever...but you just gave me the power.
Definitely looks like I’m in the minority, but I’m stoked about it. Rob Zombie’s Firefly movies are the only current movies that remind me of the horrible horror VHSes my cousin and I used to rent from Kroger. They aren’t good, nor are they breaking new ground. I think that’s why I love them.
This was exactly what I was coming here to say! My dad the electrical engineer swore by pencil erasers for corrosion.
This is great, as long as you have honeybees. If you have any other type of bees, literally NO ONE will touch them - not even exterminators.
Yeah, you are absolutely right. Also as a teacher, I’d be perfectly willing to do this - as long as I received it with a two or three month lead time. However, I’m certain this would end up like recommendation letters, and I would be asked to be extremely positive and uplifting with exactly 12 hours lead.
<pedantry>That is WAY too early a date for Beowulf. </pedantry>
This is absolutely true. I’ve lived in a couple European countries and visited quite a few more and in each one, everyone was always totally cool as long as I *tried* to start conversations in their language - even if it was just an apology for not speaking it.
I think they sued over the “Mac” part of Supermac, claiming that it was too close to their trademark “Big Mac”. The court ruled that “Big Mac” was too general for “Supermac” to infringe on it, which means it cannot be a trademark at all.
Good lord.... Did you guys plan that? Have you been sitting in a conference room putting together a plan for the perfect comedic alley-oop, tirelessly trawling the internet for the exact right moment?
You are absolutely right about Giroud. He hustles all game, every game and takes the marks. You wouldn’t see Griezmann or Mbappé with those acres of space without Giroud bringing danger into the box.
Why the hate for VfB? And anyway, don't worry - now that he's made a name for himself, Bayern will be making a bid any day now.