Don’t you dare slander the good name of Mett. It’s delicious and I miss it terribly.
Don’t you dare slander the good name of Mett. It’s delicious and I miss it terribly.
Game recognize game.
There is no song I could link that will ever approach the magnificence of Disintegration-era Cure. Except, maybe, Head on the Door-era Cure.
I agree. The criticism of Liefeld is spot-on, but I feel like the vehemence regarding art style is the same as an adult’s reaction to his or her teenage self.
This is a feature, not a bug.
Duke’s is good, but JFG, ya’ll. JFG.
I went on a journey for this comment.
In my experience (which is informed but still, in a sense, anecdotal), yes. The RdR in Germany, for example, does not set down language rules, only orthography rules. Even those, like the Rechtschreibung of 1996, are inconsistently applied. In spoken German, these irregularities are even more pronounced (cf. sein past…
It isn’t necessarily logical, but “literally” is probably on a path similar to “very”. “Verrai” was a Middle English adjective related to the French “vrai”, meaning “true”. It then was used as an adverb in the sense of “truly”. Over time, it became simply an intensifier, which is actually how “literally” is most often…
This, because Tara = Ophelia.
I discovered this summer (by leaving my phone in another country) that if you have service through Google Fi, Google’s own authentication texts will only go to the device with your account SIM. Any forwarding of text messages (Hangouts, etc.) will forward all other texts but not the auth texts.
Spare me your space-age technobabble, Patrick Wyman.
Absolutely. I have been attacked by animals on only one planet, and all I had to do was walk away.
That’s a fair point. I wasn’t so much referring to the barren planet, but more the often ridiculous-looking creatures one comes across. Of course, that’s just a necessary evil of procedurally generated creatures.
I adore the game, but that is accurate and hilarious.
In my experience with the game, I would wager that the resource gathering in this game would not bother you too much. It is more about collecting the stuff you need to keep going (plutonium for launch thrusters, etc.) rather than managing resources to build or to advance. There are elements of those if you choose to…