I’m the first person to pile on former President Trump for his failures as President, because there were... many. With that said, Trump inherited poor infrastructure, and then did a whole lot of nothing. Our problems aren’t going to be fixed in four years, because we’re staring down four decades (plus) of poor planning…
Nah, this is how Tesla will achieve full level 9000 autonomous driving. The autopilot ecu will just be a monkey brain. For $10k more you can upgrade to an ape brain.
Hey Ferrari, I’m available, give me a call.
Scrolled down immediately for this.
All the armchair engineers in the Toyota article comments yesterday said this was a waste of effort and wasn’t feasible. Who am I to believe, two enormous companies with billion dollar R&D budgets, or user Nfatu8ion420?
See your assuming its a cooter you WANT to see. It might not be a perfect little peach, who knows it could be all beat to hell, looking like roast beef the dog has been gnawing on LMAO
To each their own, but I wholeheartedly disagree with leaving a kid in the car. Especially a 4 year old that’s old enough to hop out and join you. It takes less than a minute for someone to steal a car. Even if you can “see your car and kid,” by the time you react, its too late.
That’s a whole lotta crazy in her twitter feed.
Lock HER up! Lock HER up!
OFC this was an inside job. Ever since the militarization of the police since 9/11, giving weapons and infallible licenses to kill to the pawns of white supremacy - the cops - has been a number one GOP objective.
that’s why they are rich and you’re an idiot who sold an e39 m5
I don’t think it’s OK, but at the moment I do think this is eventually going to lead us to a better and stronger standing as a country. We sit on the sidelines and point and yell when something is vaguely treasonous, or maybe possibly seditious, but everything so far is been a “maybe” - the kind of thing that can hide…
Seems we the people have had enough
Fuck Trump and fuck anyone who thinks this is ok.
The exterior styling is truly wonderful...the interior seems fine except the horrid dashboard and silly screen. The thing I keep coming back to, though, is...would I buy an electric vehicle made by Alfa? Huh. Maaaaybe? I mean, their build quality is...I think ‘not great’ is about as nice as you can be. I just have…
“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”
gtfo with that north dakota propaganda. nobody wants to be there.