
“As a result of the rule, over 13,000 restaurants in the city have been ordered to dismantle their outdoor dining areas. L’Industrie’s bus wasn’t approved by the Department of Transportation”

Elvis got a badge.


This is all speculation and noise until it becomes law.
Sit back and spectate - none of this is within our control post-election anyway.

What if Concrete Man puts the ship on a gigantic concerete plinth so that it can’t sink? Just cast it in place slightly above the waterline? I’m certain that this is his genius plan. He gets the concrete at cost and already has cement mixers and all that. It all adds up.

I serve people who claim what I do to insurance, and 99% of the public is convinced that their problem is the insurer’s problem and wait for insurer to think things through for them. Your problem, your solution, take care of it and let insurance backstop you financially. Don’t leave your problem laying around for the

Batten the hatches so that water would not swamp the boat. Nice summer night, all the windows open and so forth? How else does a boat go under in 60 seconds?

Oakland (and Vallejo too!) are the wild west regarding the law. People run lights, people ride unlicensed dirt bikes and quads everywhere, bum encampments get porta-potties delivered to them, and RV’s get parked in the same spot until they’re burned to the waterline and even then they usually don’t get towed.


I went to the dealership and they wouldn’t sell to me because I’m a woman - wait until I post THIS online is the flipside of that argument. Article was good in pointing out the lack of personal responsibility. That lady sucks eggs.

My policy is 10 year-old car w 60,000 miles on it that was garaged is at bottom of depreciation but not bottom of utility.

Also, I applied some of Ramsey’s frugality and it really worked for me. Avoiding debt is a big big deal for me now. Either you pay someone else 4% or whatever, or you invest and someone else pays

When I open my dump truck factory, all of our trucks will have a whizzer-whistle that makes noise if the bed isn’t tucked behind the cab anymore.

Then we’ll have it on an app and it can text you a safety message in case you were born after 2008 and don’t know what actual reality sounds like.

I will be rich.

Thumbs down on monster truck tires on that big truck.
What are your chances of finding six of them to build out your war truck 45 years after a nuclear war?

The way that some people get tattoos to remember things by? I got different years of Imperial in my 30's when they were still around for cheap and I associated each with something - my birth year, where I was when I got another, etc. Bought/sold/fixed, etc. Went through a bunch to generate cashflow to fund parts, but

747 was developed alongside Concorde.

It was presumed that the future was supersonic flight, and thus 747 was deliberately designed for conversion to freight with the upper deck and cannon-bore lower deck with provision for a nose door.

That gave buyers confidence in future resale (to freight companies) to allow

I got a 525/550 427 Windsor crate motor from ford for my replica Cobra for $12,500. Wonderful engine, and no boost. Boost is for pussies. Nice enough engine, but def for people with more money than they need in life.

Confused why we’re not seeing hot-swappable batteries as the solution - as propane bottles are to bbq’s and Li batteries are to power drills, just swap in a full power supply and on you go - standardize it and done. Set the battery on a charger and cycle through them - probably faster to swap than to refill a fuel

I keep wondering why there isn’t a bar with medium chains hanging down that would drag on the vehicle but not get hung on things like AC boxes, etc. Put it a block out and let people replace glass instead of the whole vehicle.

I would like to state for the record that I hate Illinois Nazis.

Reaching out to customers on the verge of collections and enhancing its repo strategy might simply mean that they will call and ask for payment or surrender of the bike. Could be that simple.

Googled “Russia Siezed Aircraft” and a skim of the results indicates that 78 Russian planes got hung up in sanctions outside of the country while Russia siezed and nationalized 400 western-owned planes leased to companies flying them in Russia. They just didn’t belong to their owners after a day, and local carriers