I kept thinking that too as I watched it. Also watched her super slicer taking cuts into flesh repeatedly, and splashing gallons of blood while the animal she’s fighting keeps coming as if not sliced in a crippling way the first three hits.
I kept thinking that too as I watched it. Also watched her super slicer taking cuts into flesh repeatedly, and splashing gallons of blood while the animal she’s fighting keeps coming as if not sliced in a crippling way the first three hits.
Jalopnik, can we please get an expose on Lit Motors as well?
I was there for a few months in the early 90's as well, and I was stunned at the explosive anger when anything was out of order. Grocery store parking lot, person backs up when another person was coming down the lane. Not close or dangerous, but inconvenient for the person being blocked by the exiting car. Blocked…
I feel that there is an arc to human social evolution, and societies must travel along it. Some faster than others, but it’s a general arc that we are programmed to travel on, generally speaking.
hmmm, yes - must roll car forward to hit the bar. too much tongue weight? note rear suspension on ambu is compressed, nose is high?
Yeah! I can tell you how to snake your hand into a 1976 Honda Accord engine to get the invisible mounting bolt in the middle of it’s crankcase-armpit, or how 1967 Sunbeam Alpines had their gas tanks painted on the inside that would flake off and clog the drain hole, but not totally.
Brakes are for quitters.
There was a spoof letter to the PD of some town printed in a car magazine 20 years ago where the author thanked the PD for setting up the timing trap on the main street so that they could practice runs over 100mph to calibrate their spedometer. Author added a PS that it probably wasn’t very smart of the PD to position…
Worked on guns, tobacco, drugs, and alcohol.
same proven strategy
So what? Pro Memberships, abortions, gay marriages - if you don’t want one, don’t get one. If you do, then it’s a free country and we’re all adults here. Bunch of crybabies whining in whine country about things out of their control.
Reads to me like the containment vessel failed.
That’s a stupid reply.
I dare you to fix the rust with nothing more than a wire wheel and lapping the valves. Don’t go putting that 89 Volvo Wagon engine in that you were talking about while we were drinking.
The turn signal on my 1960 Imperial has a paddle that’s shaped not unlike an oar. Push it left or right with the pad of your finger. I find that it’s very convenient, and I miss it when I go back to my barbaric, newer cars.
They do it with copper - must mail you a check, no shopping cart walk-ins to the recycler, take your driver license and a photo of you, etc. This can be done. - as soon as the bar gets raised high enough, the market will dry up and the goons will go to the next opportunity.
Next time you go in, ask if they have any HD salt and pepper shaker sets.
I came as quick as I could, but I kept running into other stupid people elsewhere online and had to take care of them first. Christmas is just around the corner. I’ll send you a few IQ points, maybe that will help for 2022.
if they’ve been automated 20-30 years, the old ways are long gone. You keeping an abacus around to do your taxes “just in case”, Methuselah?
DUI negates insurance coverage?