

Who hates bullet trains? Nobody.

What word would you use, if “brave” doesn’t fit??


Dealerships love to perform these services.

If you care that much about your passion, then find a way to accomodate your passion.

63MPH downhill.

Sounds like you rode it at the wrong track.

I’m your size and I did. Left my 1000cc sportbike at home and rode it EVERYWHERE. Sooo much fun.

No, no, and no.

I publish my donkey-porn blog exclusively on TOR.

You forgot “alien abduction”.

If you you skiing, you know that a challenging slope is marked with a black diamond.

I’m upset that the dealership and manufacturer have created a monopoly and are therefore fixing prices. Speedo shops could be licensed/bonded if they are not already, and that would address the honesty problem.

same year, same cluster. Past that, craigslist randomness.

I’m going through odo stuff on my 2012 E350 van, and I don’t understand.

There was a 1912-1913 Baker Electric parked in a parking garage in downtown San Francisco awhile back. It was in storage and not running, so people were pulling cars up to it to park.

1. Repurpose an obscure 1970's land yacht to handle well, doing all of the work myself after specializing in them for 20 years.

Altamont Raceway Park, near Tracy and east of the SF Bay Area closed 2008. It’s in a very deserted area and isn’t very overgrown. Thought they were maybe still doing lemons stuff there? Says closed 2008 tho.

So if you want to be treated fairly and not price-gouged, you are a socialist?