What kind of repairs?
What kind of repairs?
Ahhh, but they’d have gotten a commercial insurance policy on the car if declared value insurance were the goal.
These are the same folks that rent out a room in their home to strangers on AirBnB.
Call AAA and ask them for a policy that allows you to rent your car to the public. Go ahead. I’ll wait.
You have been divided and conquered.
Taxis are cars.
Middle-eastern spec bodywork shown.
Look on craigslist if you are in a metro area. there are companies who will drop what they are doing to come and give you an estimate within the hour here in the SF Bay Area. Not expensive at all, either.
I camped the three craiglsists within driving distance for 6 months waiting for the right deal.
Can you imagine being so rich that one of your ten fully insured cars just got totaled and you must now wait for your insurance company to process the claim?
That made me laugh out loud. All good because that alone.
No. Thank you for your confidence in me.
I drive 1960's luxury and consider everyone else’s car to be my crumple zone.
Uship is the trucking equivalent of Uber. People post objects or loads of objects and bidders bid to ship them in a race to the bottom/lowest price.
Do we want a closer relationship with someone who has been in power for 16 years, was a KGB agent for 16 years prior to that, refuses to leave office, invades neighbors, works directly against us internationally at great expense to tens of millions of innocent people (Syria, Ukraine, Crimea), kills or jails critics…
On the outside of a turn with your back against a rock wall with your camera or whatever?
If he has a business running 30 supercars on tracks, I think that it is safe to assume that he is not the mechanically dependent turd that many supercar owners are. That sounds like enough wear and tear to support a crew to fix them in-house when they fail. If you can reduce the labor costs to $30 an hour or…
IF the average age of the national fleet is 10 years, then half are more and half are less than 10 years. A car as a useful device could be bought new and coaxed to last 10 years or so before needing replacement, no?
Thank you, Stephanie. You are adorable.
yes. she was in CA with no papers allowing her to be in the USA.