
I got married in my jeans and a white shirt — just like my husband did... we were both beautiful, because we were making a gutsy move — supported by a very select number of friends (2) and family (1)... total.

It always seems to me as if the “beautiful bride” business is just reinforcing the patriarchy and reviving a

‘There must be a zoo that’s lost a giraffe recently. They can FedEx it to me.’”

OK. I’ll bite.

I have two friends from college who got together after graduation and got married a few years later. After their rehearsal dinner, I slept with the bride’s younger brother (a highlight: we’re grinding away when all of a sudden I jump up, run out to the porch of his room, naked, to throw up in the parking lot—I learned

Back in the 80s, a friend from college invited me to be her bridesmaid. We lived hundreds of miles from each other, and had only exchanged brief letters in the years since graduation. I shouldn’t have accepted, but I thought it would be fun to see her and the people we used to hang out with.

This was not my hook-up but I witnessed the hook-up.

This is not my story. I was merely an observer on this crazy wedding hook-up ride.

I was a bridesmaid in a close friend’s wedding. Got to the rehearsal, noticed that her three-years-younger brother had gotten SUPER cute since I last saw him, brought him back to my place after the reception and showed him a REAL good time. He ended up spending the night with me and trying to sneak back into the hotel

For a light, summer read for those among you who are into Young Adult stuff, I highly recommend:

Actually, the surname Reeses is Welsh. And as such, it’s pronounced ‘Bogdonovich’.

“Girls who have been raped are normally fucking crazy; you actually seem really normal and pretty stable.”

Having worked in the foster care system, sorry, but taking a kid out of it is a decidedly higher ethical state than not doing so.

You quit too soon! It started slow but the second half of the season was quite good. There’s a serious time jump in episode 7 that is done so beautifully. A totally seamless pan through the office that takes you through 3 years in about 90 seconds.
I read the book by Thomas Maier and he makes a point to stop in at the

This is particularly interesting because Priapus more or less is his penis in terms of symbolism, so it is odd that he would have a problem with fertility. I think it is possible that the phimosis is more symbolic than anything else.

I like this person. I don’t know why except they are the epitome of “keeping it one hunnad” about why the fuck they don’t wanna do the job. Is Paris Hilton available? Any other MC? Help this person out! Anyone with rhythm and computer....Rachel Dolezal? I KNOW your ass learned to spit back at those house parties in

Nice to see floppy hats at weddings making a comeback.