Sorry, I really don't think that's true. Everyone has preferences for physical characteristics, but there aren't any physical characteristics that ONLY one race has. You could think olive skin or green eyes are sexy, but people of many different races can have those traits-plus, while everyone has preferences, it…
"Do you want to be famous, baby?"
The ability to block people from your Facebook feed is, frankly, the best function that website ever gave us IMHO. That way you can still pop over to their profile and see baby pics/wedding pics/vacation pics and wish happy birthday without the CONSTANT STREAM OF WTF.
This article mainly made me wish we didn't build sex up into this huge monumental THING. I wish we could treat it more like, I don't know, skiing. There are some risks you need to be aware of, some people start when they're young, other people don't try it until they're older, and there's nothing wrong with you if you…
Prominent tattoos AND a pleasantly soft belly on the cover of Glamour? I just coughed up my pistachios. (Lena hater or lover, you gotta admit that's something.)
My biggest gripe with GoT is that Martin gets to write about sex with underage girls with much lip-smacking relish because he's savvy enough to put humans in a setting not fully like our own.
I have read Martin's books multiple times, and I stand by what I said 100%. I read them too, Dany is my favorite character. But that doesn't stop me from recognizing that EVERY SINGLE ONE of Martin's female characters is built up from fictional and pseudo-historical archetypes.
I got into an argument over this on another forum, but as a former vet tech, what galls me is that the doctor allowed this. It required that the dog be kept under anesthesia for the tattoo, which occurred after the surgery. MAJOR surgery, that resulted in a large amount of blood loss, dangerously low body temperature,…
agreed! men in western europe, japan, south korea, and many many other places have long blurred gender binaries when it comes to fashion. tight jeans, bright colors, speedos...have never been a problem. american sartorial masculinity is super retrograde.
Hmmm, this is some American stuff.
huh? Im confused. I'm from the UK and high waisted jeans have been "in" for a long time, do people not really wear them in America? All the youngs I know already have their perfect pair of "mom jeans"
I think the most important point made in this article is not about those who choose not to vaccinate (which there have always been, and will always be - my husband almost died of whooping cough as a child because of his hardcore fundamentalist anti-Western medicine mom, and I also know a lot of hippies who did not…
I say this as a Canadian, so I'm sorry if this is offensive, but does anyone else find the general attitude of America towards its military kind of uncomfortably intense? Like, I guess what this woman did was a bit disrespectful and silly, but was it really THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER?
I have been saying this for a long time. BUTTER. Butter is better than margarine. Having butter on bread is not making you fatter. It is more delicous. I think if people just enjoy the food they have, they are less likely to become fixated with it.
Greek yogurt? Or that low-fat vagina yogurt that tastes like crap.
Here's the best argument for Team Dog. At 7 feet tall Freddy is still cute. A 7 foot cat would be terrifying.
This is Freddy, the Great Dane. He's over 7 feet tall, and is thought to be the biggest dog in the Land Where Sherloc…
Awwe, yeah! Juniors section for lyfe!
I'm 32. My hair is, as my teen daughter calls it 'peacock colored'—blue, purple, green, and pink. I wear Labyrinth graphic tees and skinny jeans that are maaaaybe just a touch too snug for my befitting-a-32-year-old-whose-had-two-kids-hormone-issues-and-struggles-with-stress-eating frame.