Even if he was acting hostile, white suspects who act in the same manner generally don’t get their teeth knocked out.
Even if he was acting hostile, white suspects who act in the same manner generally don’t get their teeth knocked out.
This Greg’s knowledge of the song probably works like the Wrangler’s commercial, it only has the first lyric: “Some folks are born made to wave the flag, ooh they red, white and blue”.
What sport is the opposite of football? If you can find and watch that then that might count as watching negative football games :D
My personal prediction is that, if Colin Kaepernick was hired by whatever team, a chunk of white fans would be pissy for a little while, and that team and maybe the NFL as a whole might take a bit of a hit in viewership and game attendance, but those fans would come back sooner or later.
“Hey, hey, no need for violence, I just want you and everyone like you to be dead, is that so wrong?”
That sentence can’t be stressed enough. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to function in this world without internet access and any attempt to infringe on that, such as ISPs introducing crap like paid fast lanes or blocking sites they don’t like, must be stopped.
Now I have a reason other than not liking waffles that much.
Confederate Day? Then I’ll drink to the defeat of the traitors, and to the day all their monuments have been ground into driveway gravel.
These asshats are always good for a laugh. Whenever they try to hold one of their little rallies the opposition shows up in massive numbers. Punks step up to get knocked down.
This good guy didn’t need a gun.
So enjoy today’s mailbag and celebrate 4/20 with someone who doesn’t look like you. Let’s use this day to come together and recognize that we’re more alike than you think. Despite our differences, we all ultimately want the same thing:
So basically this isn’t a Starbucks problem. It’s a White America problem.
I think they both deserve a cash settlement for having to endure this indignity.
Says a lot about the owners when they want to put up a memorial to their dead and apparently racist friend, instead of just putting up their picture or a plaque or something, it’s a sign with their racist catch phrase.
Looks like derailing.
His involvement in Operation Fast and Furious is an easy target for conservatives, and personally I’d prefer someone unconnected with past administrations (who is not a past candidate), but if Holder ends up being the nom I’ll have no problem voting for him.