
Maybe white kids are better-behaved: I almost bought into this theory until I remembered how white kids act in the cereal aisles of supermarkets. Plus, they call their parents by their first names and start cussing when they’re only in the third grade. I’m sure you’ve seen Lucas screaming to his mom in Target:

I’m sorry. I’m just gonna stop it now.

I’m well aware of this. Mainly my post was about not wanting to be a part of that system even though such a desire is futile. The only thing we can do is work to dismantle it.

I think if I post the ‘y tho’ macro again, the guy in it might have a heart attack from over exertion.

For anyone who is capable of empathy, it kinda feels like you’ve been framed, right? It wasn’t me who started the Atlantic slave trade/instituted Jim Crow/concocted redlining schemes/created the school-to-prison pipeline, it was someone who just looked like me!

Are we really going to have to wait until his death to see this scumbag asshole get his comeuppance?

Only thing I don’t really care to eat at a chain place is barbecue.

I’ve spent a little bit of time in the Midwest (Ohio specifically) for work, and with few exceptions even the chains I like at home did not taste good there.

My best & only piece of advice about kids is “don’t have any”.

I personally don’t mind hearing about #10 but I’m kind of a lush myself.

For dreams: because it’s interesting. I don’t see them as
being prophetic or supernatural in any way but the things peoples’ subconscious minds come up with can be fascinating/hilarious/scary.

Sorta reminded of Mitt Romney asking who let the dogs out.

I’ve only seen LeVar Burton in person one time, at a con years ago. He got more cheers than all the other Trek actors.

Even if he was running, even if he was the one breaking car windows, neither of those deserves the death penalty. White suspects who have done the same thing tend to survive these encounters.

So much projection. You ought to get a job at a movie theater.

Seems like that much-vaunted personal responsibility thing tends to go out the window when the terrorist is white.

My only white roommate in college admitted to me that he felt guilt over having sex with a black girl one time. I just tried to steer the convo away from that as quickly as possible (in fact I preferred not to talk to him at all because he just rubbed me the wrong way but when you have to live with someone you simply