
Take it from a white guy: it’s wounded pride, fear, ignorance and racism. They’ve got a complex that tells them they are supposed to be the ones on the top of the heap (which is easy to get when society tends to tell you that you are, daily, and even easier when you insulate yourself from people of different

“What does it look like to both say, “Yeah, we’re mad as hell about the ways that the world treats black women consistently and relentlessly,” and then think about what it looks like to have that rage, to own it and to use it in ways that are beneficial to us, rather than letting other people weaponize it against

fail troll is fail

6. The dumber son


I hope she can pull it off. DC is about 1 for 4 right now.

Or upset their base.

All I want in a 2020 candidate is someone who is:

The Tuskegee syphilis experiment reads like a conspiracy theory but it was very real and it was some sick shit. They infected hundreds of black men without their knowledge just to see what the disease would do to them.

meant to reply to someone

Even if he walked up and slapped her on the ass he still didn’t deserve to die.

Now playing

me when i look at modern pop culture and i dont know wtf is going on:

You’d think that any relatives of a mass murderer that wanted to start a race war would try their best to prove they weren’t racist scumbags too.

Why am I not surprised?

I only know about this because of Lindsay Ellis.

See also: Sandy Hook. If multiple dead white first graders weren’t enough to get Republicans to shift their gun policy, then multiple dead white teenagers won’t do it either.

Angered and not surprised.

Avocado anything pretty much always makes my stomach turn.

Was it about Dippin’ Dots?