To prevent my own butthurt I read this statement as “black people cannot benefit from institutional racism in the United States as the system in this nation is biased in favor of white people”.
To prevent my own butthurt I read this statement as “black people cannot benefit from institutional racism in the United States as the system in this nation is biased in favor of white people”.
The hearing should have included the phrase “Let the record show that Miss Brochu is nasty as shit.”
Compared to Maxine Waters, Trump is an intellectual lightweight. He’s barely literate.
Everything that comes out of Trump’s mouth just sounds like fart noises to me.
I know that feel. White and Southern but not a military family. I was taught all through growing up that the policeman is your friend. I was never told that was really only the case because I was a clean-cut white boy.
The core of the problem here is that white people are raised up believing that the police are infallible. Many of them never lose this attitude no matter how many abuses they witness. And when the victims are not white it’s just that much easier to side with the cops.
Not letting myself feel any satisfaction until he’s actually in prison.
If Danni Star’s coworkers would treat her like that she’s better off quitting. It’s no one’s fucking business who she chooses or doesn’t choose to hire.
He’s just a troubled person with economic anxiety. Surely not the end result of marinating in the racist undercurrent of white paranoia that taints American society.
“He would thus be exiled from the United States, an extraordinarily harsh consequence, preventing him from, among other things, ever pursuing an education at a college or university in the United States,” Fischetti wrote in a motion pushing to have all of Greenwood’s charges dismissed.
And they’re such a beautiful couple, and they actually seem to love each other as well.
I was shown some photographic evidence by my grandmother, that her great grandmother was part Cherokee, and she did look like it. But 23andme will give me the real story in the next month or so.
Just when you think it couldn’t get worse.
They were looking for an opportunity to assert their authority and they wouldn’t stop until they found one.
Rush didn’t even deserve a ticket. If me and my friends can jaywalk our pasty asses across the street right in front of a cop car without getting brutalized (or even getting more than a passing glance from the cop) then anyone should be able to do it.
When I pick up my cat and hold him like a baby and he paws at my face and I say, “Why you put yo feets on my face, buddeh?”, he must be saying, “If I simply flexed my foreleg muscles I could blind you, possibly slice your carotid artery as well. But then the feeding would stop. If evolution had seen fit to grant me…
You’ll get this shit from milquetoast white kids who glamorize the hood as being “gritty” and “real” because they’re clueless and can’t appreciate what they have.
Kids get up to some crazy shit sometimes. Malia is a kid. Ergo...