
Kinda hope it does. I enjoyed Wonder Woman but Black Panther is better hands down.

The most mosquito-free race riot ever!

I feel like if black people started “exercising their Second Amendment rights” in the same way as white people then these gun nuts would either suddenly become all about some gun control, or their heads would explode.

Thank you for the link. Watching it now and it’s excellent so far.

Well on the one hand it IS her private property...on the other hand, fuck the CSA, fuck that flag, and fuck everyone who flies it.

My thoughts on arming teachers: if they started doing that, how long until a teacher loses their temper and shoots an unarmed student?

So while three teachers died trying to save students, this “good guy with a gun” stood around doing fuck-all.

As someone from SC I am not fucking surprised. Of course our legislature is dicking around wasting time on frivolities such as this.

No long T-Shirts

How easy it would have been to pick non-stereotypical food for this event. Just get an Indian place to cater, I mean come on.

Anyone accusing these kids of being crisis actors needs a swift kick in the ass. The very idea turns my stomach.

Gotta be honest, I liked Rogue One more than Black Panther, but I did like Black Panther more than either The Force Awakens (which I loved) or The Last Jedi (which I have problems with but I don’t hate). I think it’s mainly because Rogue One hit me right in the nostalgia, I was a massive massive Star Wars fan as a

29. Restaurants that give you blue cheese instead of ranch with your wings and then act like it’s no big deal, as if there is no difference between the two

i was a bit more like

Now playing

I agree with Benjamin Dixon’s take on this (in short: real life black radicalism is not represented in the movie at all, and Erik is just a foil to T’Challa).

Something I haven’t seen anyone address yet: Killmonger said he was willing to kill children in order to enact his plan. As if gunning down a woman who apparently loved him wasn’t enough.

Theater in small town SC, probably evenly split between black and white. Nothing but laughs. M’Baku stole the show right there.

Session isn’t a hobbit. He’s too uptight. He’s more of a goblin.

He’s just gotta get in as many “fuck you”s to low income folks as possible. It’s already hard enough for people with low income to eat healthy, now they want to send them a box of canned shit (or more likely, send it to somewhere they have to walk/drive to, to pick up).