Imperator Fabulosa


I don’t doubt that you have experienced snubs and slights, insults and petty reprovals as a consequence of foolish and insensitive attitudes to your gender or position of authority (who hasn’t?). But every time someone uses the term ‘Microaggressions’, a fairy dies.


Thank you, for your heroic story.

“Then I had to tell someone their job was unsatisfactory and to do it again (That was fun). You’re an adult and you’ve been on my crew for years. You know what the standards are”

Jesus what companies do you people work for? OR is it the army?

Never had an “assertive” Female boss have you?

Anecdote equals universal truth!

Same here, although I have been told to take account of a persons gender when criticising their work - in this case “criticism” is to be understood in the filmcritic “critique” sense. I am told to be super careful when criticising a female collegues work as they will “take it personally”. I ignore this advice, and for

Is she actually bitchy or unpleasant? Or is it workplace discrimination do you think?

“Bitchy is my natural resting state of being”

...Or ‘dickhead’. Nobody likes an aggressive asshole in any job, regardless of gender, except maybe the jerks in Wallstreet hedgefunds whose whole deal is acting like a wolfpack. It’s asinine to suggest that aggressive assholes are simply considered “confident” if they are male. My profession (marketing) is mostly

“(The secret immortality is not drinking milk.)“

Another form of lactose intolerance, if you will.

Somewhat less than 40% of people in the world retain the ability to digest lactose after childhood. The numbers are often given as close to 0% of Native Americans, 5% of Asians, 25% of African and Caribbean peoples, 50% of Mediterranean peoples and 90% of northern Europeans. Today, the highest proportion of people

You’re not supposed to be doing this.

In Europe everyone is speaking a different goddamn language. Ersatz teams get creamed by friends on TS.

The opposing team are all 20 year veterans of Red Storm games, are all on teamspeak, have rehearsed the map and their gameplan hundreds of times and are using that guy with the HBS. Whereas my team seem to always be speaking upsidedown French or Ugandan and are confused about why there’s no epic loots inside the house.

“3 tips the bucket.”

Donald Trump is an idiot and a nazi and a human shitstain?