Imperator Fabulosa

But they don’t have an actual Nazi Party, like you guys have.

That Lemmy lived a year longer than vegan Bowie is also somewhat askew. And lets not deal with the fact that Keith Richards appears to be functionally immortal.

All this “you will be assimilated” stuff sounds very Borg / Communist.

Thats only going to be a joke for about 4 years.

“It’s simply not fair a worker disappears to have kids but is promoted and given raises at the same rate as another who was there the whole time.”

How did you take care of 3 when the first 2 take 140% of your time?

Fine, then make childcare tax deductible?

Rubio is a well known typography buff. He just meant that the Rolling Stone article used a 19th-century sans serif typeface for the body copy in lieu of their more traditional transitional serif.

“the rape of what will end up most likely being 1000 women”

“ Westen men have been trained”

Yeah its an evil flashmob. This tactic could be used for other crime too. Mass looting, mass murder, mass child abduction. It’s a new phenomonon and worthy of substantially more attention than it’s been getting.

“We all know that nearly 70% of sexual assaults go unreported”

It’s criminal conspiracy to commit mass GBH is what it is. Thats an unprecedented form of crime and regardless of the gender of the victims or the ethnicity of the perpetrators, the fact that flashmob tactics are being used in this way is a serious threat to law and order for society (but not, as the hysterical poster

1000 women were RAPED?

“This event should get the same coverage as 9/11, the Paris Attacks, and the Charlie Hebdo attacks combined”

The Famine in Syria should be the number one story.

“unless of course, she’s Laverne Cox”

Your story was both heartwarming and relateable.


Gervais isn’t racist. You must be thinking of some other white man you hate. But then all white men kinda look the same right?