No, I love chicken dishes.
No, I love chicken dishes.
Add golf to that. If I spent less time playing golf I would have more time to not play golf.
but of all these the worst is:
“t’s pretty fucking rich that people are cool with consuming and confronting slavery in the form of entertainment while gasping at the horror of it all, but refuse to budge when it comes to things like criminal justice reform, income inequality, etc., and acknowledging the lingering effects of a country built on the…
Dear Ice Cube Maybe you should have put your band’s super misogynistic and abusive relationships with women in the movie, you cockjob.
Dumb argument. Lets have no fims about slavery then? Let’s bury the past? Hush that shit up? Pretend it didn’t happen? Kara are you secretly wearing confederate underwear? are you whistling dixie?
if we can’t have the hostage, nobody can.
ah ‘interactive’ Thats a good buzzword for the information superhighway.
Clooney reminds me a lot of Bono too. They are both well intentioned and earnest individuals whom I would hope to be like should I achieve their level of success. They are both pilloried by the same media who focus their attention on the minor peccadilloes of pretty decent individuals while taking a wide berth around…
He does pay his companies taxes, in The Netherlands. It’s a European Union and their production company is perfectly entitled to do that. It’s not like he has all his money in the Caymen Islands or something. The headlines are just a way to try and find something nasty to say about a successful band. If your company…
or you didn’t watch any of them.
Not to mention the lead role is female and he only plays a bit part. But you know, fuck Clooney, the prince of darkness. He’s worse than Adam Sandler dinjaknow!
particularly when its Latinos who are far and away the most underrepresented:
thats just like, your opinion, man.
Sure, lawyers should only defend innocent people!
Marriage Diversity! This whole argument is getting uncomfortably eugenicsy.
Thats a very weak argument. Argo was almost all non white actors FFS. Gravity had 2 actors and was directed by a Mexican and the lead actor was female. The monuments men was historical drama, what did you want black Nazis or something? Maybe pick on someone who doesn’t make intelligent, interesting and thoughtful…
And given the actual figures it would be nice to hear him speak up for the folks REALLY getting the shaft in Hollywood: Latinos. Check out this graph:
To be fair, going out and doing something does stand a greater chance of success than complaining. However given her bankroll, I imagine she could lead by example. instead of, um.. complaining.