
I love how all you vicious haters pretend like you’re speaking for this huge contingent of people - one of the most classic logic fallacies. I’m an older fan, and I’ve loved every Disney Star Wars movie, so stop acting like you’re representing some self-evident truth. You don’t like new things, awesome! That must be a

I’m just here for the salty comments

OMG enough with the complaining about how all these episodes aren’t like normal episodes of their perspective shows, already! Sheesh. You critic folks have been the biggest buzzkills about this event.

These must be the most traumatized kids in the history of Littleton, Colorado.

He was saying “Boo-urns”

It’s absolutely amazing. I gave it up almost a year ago, and I still get all the typical responses, yet I’m the one with no health issues, no need for any prescription or OTC medications.

She’s been good in pretty much everything she does bar the X-Men films that aren’t First Class. Plus she’s not even 30 yet, she’s got a potentially long career ahead of her. Scarlett Johansson did about three good films out of the dozens she was in from 2004 to 2011, and I’d still call her a very good actress at her

Good memory. Of course, Lauren actually put that same stat in the article you’re commenting on.

Can’t imagine you have kids.

...You call it a stupid, careless mistake – but that implies that he doesn’t know what he’s getting himself into by going out on that bridge – which he absolutely does.

I think narratively, for the sake of the story they went with, this was the only thing that had to happen. Either he died or didn’t. The only reason Han Solo went back to the smuggling life because it was the only thing he could do to escape the life he had with the Rebellion. He wasn’t the same man after Return of

Yes the telekenetic Jedi will have a really tough time with that.

Same here. I had zero interest in the movie until I saw that screenshot, which got me to watch the trailer. And now I’m actually pretty interested in watching the movie.

No way I would’ve watched it without the cat. The whole trailer should’ve just been the cat rampaging.

Spoiler culture has to stop. King Kong died, the Titanic sunk, Darth Vader is Luke’s father, I ate the last donut hole. SPOILER!

Wait. We’re supposed to dk spoiler warnings for trailers now?

I’ll acknowledge that the cat image got me to check out the trailer.

Please be joking. We’re worried about spoiling trailers now?

To be fair, I would not have watched the trailer without the picture of the cat.

A couple things. One, you're broadly oversimplifying how traffic lights work. Put simply, no, there are not only three cases. There are dozens of cases. Hundreds of potential cases. Traffic lights are not always isolated and unless they are miles away from their nearest neighbor, their cycles are often designed with