
Maybe George W. Bush is still president and people can only rely on some super flying alien guy to save them. Duh.

I mean, that actually is a thing. People spray painted messages on their roofs during Katrina.

She’s trying to protect her son from scrutiny and harm, and saying that Clark ultimately has a choice (Oh boy, I wonder what he ultimately chooses?). It’s completely understandable.

So badass.

Good catch and that makes much more sense than the Jason Todd torture scene rumor I’ve seen.

This is gonna be badass.

Whaaaat? Nooo... we love that Jman486248652269 posts the same thing over and over and over again. It’s not like it’s a completely unhealthy obsession or anything like that. Maybe Zack Snyder shot his parents in a dark alley after watching Man of Steel or something like that when he was young. It’s totally

It’s not bad advice for a mom to give to her son. It’s probably bad advice to give Superman, although in this situation it should be perfectly understandable why she would feel that way.

This is gonna be badass.

Wasn’t there a Nicholas Cage movie about this?

Dude just needs to let it go. Pretty much every comic book related post on here, he bashes Man of Steel for some reason. It’s actually pretty sad.

I felt it was a mediocre action film, but trying to figure out all the timelines and time travel shenanigans during and after the movie actually made it about 78% more fun. So overall I enjoyed it.

Really? Like only 1 or 2 people here have pointed this reference out? Says a lot about the io9 commentariat unfortunately.

Pretty much every superhero movie promo images have them making super serious faces in an attempt to look badass, so I don’t see how that’s a valid complaint.

Yes, I’m like 78% sure of it.

Originally, they were planning a second tag that was more comical, but when Feige came up with the idea, he knew it was the right one.

Just say it, your friend’s name is Stan Lee isn’t it?

Yeah, I could go and enjoy a “where are they now” sorta of scene, but only if they’re actually good. I didn’t find any of the phase two post credit scenes to be fun, silly, or entertaining at all.

But it was completely redundant because we already inferred that was going to happen based on his last fight scene with the Captain. It wasn’t anything new, which is why it was disappointing to me.