daryl bowden

Maybe you’ve noticed that they crank out a new Singer much more often than they used to?  They’ve grown their team/factory significantly and more than that, they’ve been doing it for a while so what used to be a lot of trial and error is now just manufacturing and fitting.  It’s still very time consuming but not as

No it’s not. The cap in the middle of the hood is the gas cap. The oil filler is on the rear quarter panel. The oil cap is a hat tip to the 1972 911 where they did that as well. It’s very common for hot rod backdated Porsche 911s to do the gas cap in the middle of the hood.

Regular Porsche 911s had external oil caps too, only for the 1972 model year though.  You can probably guess why they got rid of it.

Wow, that’s cheap.  I think I paid $4.49/gal last fill up.

Jesus, premium gas is cheap for you. Where do you live in CA where you can fill a 15 gallon tank for only 42 bucks?

Because one is a lie and three is too many.

Precisely.  Right now the rates are low, but I’m almost certain to be back to paying close to 40% once the US realizes how crippling the current tax laws are.  There’s almost no way in hell I could be making more income post-retirement compared to my working years and I’ve got at least 30 more working years anyhow.

Exactly. If you’re a high-earner in the top tax bracket there are few scenarios where it makes sense to use the Roth.  I could pay 32% now vs likely 24% when I retire.  That is a HUGE amount of money that equals more than my total contributions into a 401k each year.

Exactly. You don’t want to get into a manufacturing war with China. You won’t win.

Their policy has long been the same as ours. If you look at overall tariffs between the two nations, they largely balanced out for the last decade and a half. The issue was that some items we applied higher tariffs to and other items they applied higher tariffs to (which is common and largely based upon a nations

I’m on vacation in Hawaii right now and had to pull out buy work laptop just to login and reply to Mack’s horrible suggestion.

True enough, those big scenes are still great, the connective tissue is just weaker than I remember it being.

Easiest question ever.  Best looking car, best investment piece, coolest car, verboten in many states, dogleg tranny.  Any other answer is just foolish.  

I mean Prince was great but Chuck Berry (besides being a HoF asshole and piss-watcher) invented many truly important concepts in Rock music.

Dude, Beethoven’s 9th was written while he was fucking deaf! The second movement of that is one of the finest pieces of instrumental music ever written and the 4th movement is probably one of the most famous choral movements in classical music (because it rules).

My point is that you can make an argument for either player as being the “best” on those last two championships with Shaq, depending on what you value more. Shaq had more rebounds (obviously) and a better FG% but was often in foul trouble and was a liability in the closing minutes of every game and had to be pulled

So basically sign up for CSR under 5/24 and use your Priority Pass Select to get access to marginal lounges like this one?

They weren’t “stacked,” they had two amazing HoF players, but they never had a single team with near as much talent across the board as this GS team, not even close. Not compared to KD, SC, Klay, Draymond, Iggy, etc.

The transit to USC is actually pretty amazing. Because of the fact USC and the Coliseum are there, you can start in almost any region of the city and get there with just a couple transfers. But yeah the SM link is pretty new (maybe a year?) and it’s great. Use it all the time when going to USC football games or