daryl bowden

But he could pass. Unless there is something obstructed in that video, there is nothing stopping him from driving past the accident at a slow and safe rate of speed.

Yeah, except even in those rules, this driver still broke them. He put himself at risk. The driver we are talking about had no accident. He witnessed the aftermath of one and tried to help. And in the process put his car into the impact zone.

I would potentially agree - if this driver was the one who crashed and his car was inoperable. But his car was fine. He just stopped to “help” the other guy and in the process added a second obstacle to the other drivers.

In all my racing, the only exception is when the car is on fire but even if I grant you that (because this is obviously different than an event where you have corner marshals) - why stop his car at all? His car is running, all he did is add an additional obstacle to force oncoming drivers to now deal with 2 disabled

He stopped a couple hundred feet behind another vehicle and added a second obstacle for oncoming drivers to process, with less space to react. So, his good deed is he let them hit his car instead of the other one? How is that a good thing? How does that change the likelihood of death or serious injury?

How can you say that? His car that he abandoned got smashed into by other cars. He ADDED an obstacle that other cars also ran into.

Well, we know that’s not how it played out since his car was smashed to bits by others. It’s impossible to know what would’ve happened but what we do know is that his car was in the impact zone, several hundred feet in front of the broken down one. So, it could be that he lessened injuries, or it could be he

Ok, of course you get out if your car is on fire. But that’s really the only situation that has you exit a car on a live track.

Ok. so what is the upside? The pileup still happened, he wasn’t able to really help the situation. All he did is put himself in serious danger for zero benefit.

I’d say the fact that there are no flaggers there makes it even worse. That’s a fast corner and he sits in the car unbuckled for a little while before getting out. With nobody to warn oncoming cars of an incident, he’s VERY lucky that nobody was in a position to hit him while he was sitting there/getting out.

This isn’t really an enthusiast car in that sense. Having a manual would only make it worse IMO.

Didn’t even have to read the article, automatic NP.

I know we’re all congratulating the guy for trying to help but honestly he broke one of the first rules of being on a hot track. You NEVER get out of the vehicle, unbuckle, etc until the track has been red flagged and cleared. He could’ve easily been killed if one of those cars came barreling through a few seconds

Jesus that center stack reminds me of the terrible volvo interiors from the previous generation XC90. You would think they hired Stevie Wonder to do their UX design.

I just love the fact that crazy joe davola and david putty are talking to each other in this thread. I would love to see that episode of Seinfeld.

Shoes off is fine as long as you’re wearing socks and you keep them on the floor or in your lie-flat (if so equipped). Your feet swell when flying and it can be very uncomfortable, so I have nothing against taking them off, at least on a flight that is longer than a regional connector.


Not sure why people always forget that LA has an incredibly rich car culture. There are dozens of gas stations in Los Angeles alone that sell 100 octane from the pump. You can get higher octane here in LA than most other cities in the US.

Arby’s? Who are you, David Putty?