Planelopnik and boatlopnik have been around the site for a looooong time.
Planelopnik and boatlopnik have been around the site for a looooong time.
The Repub Party...formerly all gung-ho for the military (not anymore), completely anti-Commie (not these Putin ass-kissers), and for less government on people’s backs (not these big gov anti-women’s-free-choice Donald-nazis) and now they’re the exact opposite.
You know you’re an asshole when a company in pharmaceuticals fires you immediately for your behavior.
Oh, it was double hard when one was on his 20's and horny. I mean of the things I’m most proud what comes to my rather spicy single life back in the ‘00s was that I dodged few bullets.
DEEP in the no-go zone. And “crazy” isn’t doing all the heavy lifting here.
I feel far too old to participate in such things, but I admit that I can’t resist. The simplest answer is, yes I would. I would say the same for a handful of other despicable people like Boebert or Ivanka. I’m not proud of this. I thought I’d be less driven by sex at 40 than I was at 15, but that is sadly not the…
I guess as usual it’s all down to what the East German judge decides.
Charger is worse. People put aftermarket exhausts on Chargers, adding audible obnoxiousness to the equation.
Tough judge.
The welding gas supplier I use will not sell any kind of gas to anyone in a car. If you don’t have a real truck with the bed not sharing air with the cab, you ain’t gettin no gas. Even an inert gas can fill up your car REAL quick and suffocate you before you know what’s going on.
If we did that, the southern half of the country would float away. I saw a documentary on this subject one Saturday morning.
Um, the train is not at fault here. Anyone (or anything) standing on train tracks should expect to get hit.
But then we wouldn’t have any of these to watch!
I would expect a remote control train would have some sort of siren or klaxon or the like. But in a busy yard, it would be hard to hear.
Still, that’s not the train’s fault, is it? Maybe don’t step in front of a moving train regardless of whether it is human- or remote-piloted.
Backing up a trailer is not hard at all with even a bit of practice. Especially a 53ft van. The longer the trailer the easier it is to manuever.
My mental image of cool reeks of “peaked in high school in 1987". I don’t care. Here I Go Again by Whitesnake.
Sure, I’ll go for the obvious song since 1) it’s one of those terrific “brainworm” songs that won’t let go and 2) we all know it as the de facto theme song to the Cars movies: “Life Is A Highway” by Tom Cochrane: