
I’m confused. The officer was going to let him off with a warning, but the lieutenant encouraged him to arrest the kid?

and a reminder to stay home during a freakin tornado and if a company is forcing you to come in, sue em!

Here’s my position on this.

Well the other person will eventually have the last laugh when the tobacco chewer gets mouth or throat cancer... 



I didn’t have to read past “Mississippi” and “Black 10 year old arrested for public urination”. I’m sure the white cops had a good ole time making sure that black child will grow up “fearing their authority”.

annnnnd if the kid had been caucasian, it would’ve been a viral tik tok cutesy moment.....

That’s a lot of unexpecteds in that tale of horror.

Come on now, you know Beaver would have been let go.

Huh, weird, not Florida.

This reminds me of when I was 13, being told how I would be sent to Juvenile Detention for yelling “F#ck” at a cop. He was so enraged at me for yelling “GET THE F#UCK OUT OF THE WAY!!!” that he failed to notice that he was missing one pant leg. I was waiting for the Jackson Rd. bus to go to school when a chain

Mississippi exists to make Arkansas feel better about itself.

Instead, moms should teach their children to pee in a bottle. So when they work for Amazon, they are one with the program.

You can vote out politicians but Cops like this need to be addressed at the community level.  Let them work in actual corrections and get public servants to replace them in police positions.

Fuck these fuckin’ cops. Cop stopped my kids for riding bikes without helmets once. Cite them? Call us? Give them a ride home? Nope. Pulled 3 helmets out of the trunk and sent them on there way. The harm these power tripping assholes caused with this one incident is inexcusable.

I was thinking the same thing, LMJ.

They smelled blood in the water and weren’t about to be denied.

My peeing story.

Whelp. The college fund is about to be overflowing.