
I bet he asked to go back in the game.

So disconcerting. Usually Flyers goalies don’t crash until the playoffs.

Looks like he was out...cold.

Usually Mocoa gets around 16 inches of rainfall in a year. Last night they got a little more than 5. So they got 32% of their annual rainfall over the course of a single evening.

“Support the party line and they will let you out. Otherwise, be silenced. This is not a place interested in people communicating and understanding each other. Only one perspective is permitted”

I think the dickhead would have hit to the motorcycle even if it were a passing zone given his history with motor vehicles.

There is an old partner at a law firm who went to UNC who will stumble across the shirt. He will find it hilarious. The old partner will the show the shirt to some poor schmuck associate who will be forced to pretend that the shirt is funny and clever. That schmuck will force a laugh out. The old partner will show

Never forget Ivanka was one of Paris Hilton’s pals back when being a rich, drunk debutante back when that was a cool thing to be. Now she’s helping run the country

Am I the only one who gives no craps if someone passes me over double yellow or in a breakdown lane? I may grit my teeth a bit with disdain, but at least they’re off my ass now.

“I encountered a situation that had an asshole and decided that it needed an additional asshole.”

This is the absolute truth of gawker.

So you would report jews to the nazis because it was law. Got it.

It’s not homicide, nobody died.

You didn’t actually read your social contract, did you?
Just clicked Accept, didn’t you?

this is the dumbest fucking thread

What I love is the justification, well the biker ran a double yellow so there wasn’t a problem. Well the dude crossed double yellow to purposefully run into the guy.

Support the party line and they will let you out. Otherwise, be silenced. This is not a place interested in people communicating and understanding each other. Only one perspective is permitted,

What kind of sociopath thinks trying to kill someone over a traffic infraction is equivalent to the traffic infraction?

“the latter of which apparently was related to threatening to run little boys over with his car.”