
The film is drenched in Lana Wachowski’s reflectiveness on her work, life, culture and larger philosophical concerns and even looks like a video installation at times. Yes, we can also see the hand of the studio adding to the mess— Wachowski literally refers to those pressures directly. I think time and budget

I don’t doubt that Kate can grow to match Yelena in skills. And I think Yelena admires how tough and plucky Kate has already become without losing her innocence. But again, for me, its not just about skill, in fact imo the psychological aspect is more important. Yelena is more worldly and has a stronger sense of who

Lana, like David Lynch, Paul Verhooven, Shane Black and Terry Gilliam, has reached a point where she is not geared towards commercial filmmaking anymore. She is closer to a video artist in the MOMA than a blockbuster action director now. But she is stuck in the medium of studio filmmaking (perhaps that’s why Lili

Natasha and Clint were equals temperamentally and in terms of experience — their bond was formed over the shared regret of being used as weapons. The power dynamic is not just about skill its also about maturity and experience, and there’s clearly a difference between Yelena and Kat in that regard.

What I do question is how Yelena got hidden cameras into that room or why she would even bother to.

I had no doubt it was D’onofrio’s choice, he’s the kind of actor that likes to make strong choices, that’s part of what’s admirable about him. Not every one of those strong choices work out, as Nicholas Cage’s career can attest to.

Leslie Bibb’s CHARACTER

Watching the scene where Fisk rips the door off Eleanor’s car, I’m convinced that D’onofrio was doing his impression  of John Huston pulling Faye Dunaway’s character’s daughter out of the car at the end of the movie Chinatown.

The America Chavez in the MCU looks way too young for Kate. She seemed to be into that LARPing fireman but I think it was an idea the show runners were playing with rather than a serious subplot.

* Amy March realized her anger, spite and jealousy were wrong while on a frozen pond.

It is the stupidest thing in the world to say that Biden was elected to not be Donald Trump. A president, any president, has responsibilities to the nation and the world, and this inane nursery rhyme like mantra is a childish alternative to actually debating issues.

I mean Walt Disney was a racist and union buster. Agatha Christie was just as racist, as well as classist and pro-colonialism, in fact works like Death on the Nile can even be seen as supporting that ethos. I’m not making an argument one way or another by the way, just noting (and often conflicting) problematic

Maybe it’s not a rewatch. Maybe its not a week between rewatches. Maybe its the same watch, over and over…

Hire Andy Garcia, much better actor imo and fits the profile CBS was probably looking for — handsome in a comfortably masculine way, middle aged, white(ish).

Noth had accusations and actual incidents that came to public attention going back years. I think people assume that because they are hearing of these accusations for the first time that the studios and networks haven’t heard about problems for a long time.

alongside Secretary Of State Machine Gun Kelly

We may hate hit his choices in roles, but they’ve set him up for leading man success with the broadest audience possible for a black actor (without in any way seeming like a sell out). It’s not that dissimilar path from the one Washington took — though Washington was more charismatic and perhaps took a few more risks.

I’m really annoyed: I’m pointing my controller at the screen but Skarsgard isn’t moving where I want.

So if you have your own recommendations to share, I’ll add them to the stack of books and movies I hope to catch up on over the holidays!”

I think this is great character to adapt to the screen.He’s DC’s answer to Spider-Man— something they clearly want — much more than Barry Allen imo. I also think he has a cooler tech power set and arch adversaries than Cyborg.