
And while murdering a murderer isn’t exactly right, it’s not something you require redemption or comeuppance for

Turning evil because someone borrowed and lost a bag that was a present from your wife would be the weirdest super-villain origin story ever.

Clint’s not a pushover but Yelena had the element of surprise and she would know what his capabilities. She also used weapons meant to stun rather than kill. I’m not saying Yelena is a better fighter than Clint, I’m suggesting her objective wasn’t to try to kill him.

Interesting, plausible theory. I also note Jack’s description of the psychological dynamic between him and Kate, picked up from a book, which showed him to be an autodidact with fairly good recall.

I was thinking more Inigo Montoya, but Zorro works too.

My bet is still on the coin trick, but I’ve always felt its dumb that archer heroes never use guns (caveat: Stephen Ameil did once in a while on Arrow). 

I think you’d lose that bet, for the reasons other commenters have indicated, but it is a fun theory.

Of course Emily would know that frozen bodies of water are Amy’s kryptonite. Like Robert Redford’s character in Three Days of the Condor, Emily reads. She just better hope that rooftop has a pool.

I feel like Broccolli is right. There’s no question in my mind that a woman can anchor a Bond-like franchise: actors like Charlize Theron, Geena Davis and Angelina Jolie have shown how (Atomic Blonde and The Long Kiss Goodnight in particular are two of my favorite action films). But they were able to make these

I’ll be spending the rest of the day living off the thrill of seeing Emily Dickinson square off against Amy March in a rooftop brawl.

There are plenty of children being produced in the developing world, its primarily advanced economies that are seeing a drop in birth rate. There are enough kids in South America, Africa and Asia to fulfill any “civilization” needs, but because they are black or brown or  poor and/or refugees they don’t count.

Fuck Biden. If he really wanted her in the job, he could have appointed her as acting head of the Office of the Comptroller. It is something Trump did often, and he’s not the only President to appoint an “acting” leader to a department. Fact is business groups (whom Omarova would oversee) and some conservative

White Tiger was one of Perez’s earliest creations, and the hero was a Puerto Rican from the Bronx, just like him. For a comics fan turned professional artist that must have been a dream come true, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that character holds a special place in Perez’s heart.

I love George for the New Teen Titans (one of the greatest comic book runs) or Crisis (one of the greatest event comics), but the first time he ever got my attention was Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #19, where he and Bill Mantlo introduced me to the first Latino martial arts superhero, the White Tiger. From the very

During the second season of Heroes.

What’s next, a tv show about Alfred the butler?

That article read like a dark comedy that would run on HBO. I’ve already fancast Ed Norton in the role of Jeremy Strong.

Thank you (for the correction and the compliment), its going on my “good name for a band” list. Also good for a charming bad guy in a western.

There are dozens of we Will Forte fans — DOZENS!!

Okay I’m just about done with Gawker Media, where can I find your writing (beyond Twitter)? So sorry to see what the executives are doing to this site.