
Absolutely, McConaughey was the first person I thought of for Bandit. Jerry Reed’s Cledus is a hard act to follow too. I don’t know a modern country singer who can match his swag, charisma and actual acting ability. But in terms of actors, Woody Harrelson is the obvious choice, making this a True Detective reunion.

Leto’s mistake was trying to rival Ledger’s performance with grossness and cheap provocation. It was a missed opportunity, because as much as Leto annoys me irl, I thought he worked as a sexy, glamorous teen idol Joker. Leto’s “romantic” scenes with Robbie— embracing her in the chemical vat, the Bonnie & Clyde visuals

Hey! What did the sun ever do to you?

* Yes, Leti and the Freeman family have magic, but as we’ve seen, all magic seems to have a price. They have advantages but its not something they can wield casually.

Yes, it was against all odds that he would become this successful. But his ex must have been waiting for moment for all their lives. Surprised Collins didn’t feel it coming.

When Glenn Ford’s Jonathan died, it demonstrated that Clark wasn’t omnipotent. He can’t save everybody, Jonathan died because it was his time. This somewhat conflicts with Superman’s choice to reverse time to save Lois, but the larger point reinforced is that, like any human, Clark can experience failure and loss.

Magic doesn’t seem to be an overt easily accessible resource like oil or gold in the world of LC. Most people — black, white, Korean etc. — don’t know it exists as a real thing and I postulate that will continue. So the conflicts will be contained to small, select groups fighting across the tapestry of modern history.

I’ve worked at a number of networks and studios, including Disney. There’s a lot that is funky here. I’m not suggesting the employee in question wasn’t fired unfairly, but the rationales and mechanisms may not be entirely accurate.

I don’t mind acknowledging an error, especially if I learn something, and the inescapable fact is not even bothering to look up basic facts about the country was a self own. But thanks for the kind words.

Thanks, I had a hard time following everything that happened in those flashback montages. Still weird that Christina didn’t tell Tic that (I would argue that it would make him more compliant) but I suppose that was the show runner messing with out emotions.

* Great run of entertaining and comprehensive recaps, Joelle, especially the entry for last week’s haunting penultimate episode. Your examinations of the show’s many historical and artistic allusions deepened my enjoyment and understanding of the narrative. Thank you!

She was so sure no one can touch her she even saved Leti with Invulnerability Spell

* Heidi Gardner’s Update sketch was so funny I rewatched three times before continuing with the live show. “Let me give you a son, Michael!” Killed me.

I enjoyed the movie slightly more than Dowd — I think the A level performances raised the overall end product to a B- — but agreed with the overall assessment: a barely above average (which still equals good) retelling from an overtly centrist perspective. Sorkin and I are close in age, and it struck me how much this

The propensity of human beings to be distracted by bright shiny objects and be taken in by big simplistic lies doesn’t surprise me. The fact that people aren’t bored by SNL’s complete reliance on repetitive game show sketches is what’s shocking.

Gotham did last 5 seasons.

I have already acknowledge that error which, embarrassing as it is, does not refute my point that it was better for Cohen to pick a relatively obscure country (in terms of awareness of the general public) than an entirely fictional one as the home for his character. Lol as you like, its not undeserved, but I don’t see

And if Borat was interviewing me, I would know that because my assistant, smarter and more diligent than me, would have already looked it up.

I don’t get why he didn’t just have Borat be from a fictional country

 If we were to move our town hall with President Trump to a later time slot we would be violating our commitment to offer both campaigns access to the same audience and the same forum.”