Deep Cover is excellent noir. Lots of great performances, including lead Larry Fishburne, but Jeff Goldblum is the scene stealer.
Deep Cover is excellent noir. Lots of great performances, including lead Larry Fishburne, but Jeff Goldblum is the scene stealer.
The George Harrison tribute at the Rock N Roll Hall of Fame induction ceremony. That was a great moment.
I think performance and narrative intent matters more than realism. In reality, I wouldn’t want most women to fight most men. But I’m not hung up on plausibility when a performer fights with athleticism and impact. I think the most important thing an action filmmaker does is to make the action plausible in the world…
“She’s a ghost!” was the only cliche missing. One day, I’d like to see a movie about a rogue agent that is an actual ghost, a full fledged poltergeist.
I can’t tell if this movie is any good but Lupita Nyongo appears to be in a much better film. She stole all her scenes in that trailer.
I can’t tell from RDJ’s description whether he wants to incorporate Victorian Era characters (who may be license free), detectives from different periods or both.
I learned a new word today.
From the brief glimpses of irate and torch bearing white people (neighbors?) in the trailer for next week, there will be repercussions.
I don’t know what to make of her, but I do not trust her. What do you think?
I’m afraid its probably not enough people remember Better Off Ted, although the business satire is evergreen and topical.
Interesting thought. So far the characterization of Batman’s rogue’s gallery has not hewn very far from the traditional interpretations. Even the creepier Riddler is still wearing green and spouting riddles. Making Two Face twins would be the most radical reimagining. But then I think of Sisters, Dead Ringers and…
I read this too fast at first and thought the mysterious character Carver was playing in Batman was a sex worker named Cowboy...
Yes and Pulp Fiction. Tarantino is perfect for a table read.
would be bizarre to see one person with 90% of the dialog.
Table reads I’d like to see:
This has got to be just the tip of the racial imposter iceberg, correct? There have got to be white people pretending to be Asian or Hispanic as well (I’m certainly aware of numerous stories of caucasians passing themselves off as members of indigenous tribes). Or is it a specific psychosis that drives someone to…
My own bedroom closet. I was 4 years old, in a new apartment and terrified to go down the dark hall to the bathroom. My poor mom was furious and unconvinced by my explanation that it must be a leak.
Gugu is an interesting combination of someone ages very gracefully but also has always seemed mature. I think the character she was playing in Undercovers 10 years ago is older than the character she is playing in MissBehavior now.