The Ghost of Tom Landry

A little late to the party here.

Jersey burnings coming probably. I dead ass sent my son to the creamotorium in a Dez jersey in January. So we’ve already burned ours.

After a long, long series of terrible life choices I have found myself “employed” as an Uber driver in Dallas for the last couple of years. There are 4 types of passengers - ones that barely acknowledge the driver, ones that ask the same few stock questions about Driving for Uber, ones that engage in smart,

Idris Elba. Sorry to say, but heard it here first

Fair point. I didn’t know about the toilets.

Maybe, but I bet Annette Schwarz isnt

Confirming what my dad told me all my life: Fuck Boats

Hung up on it? Why because I have an opinion about it?

Hey yall remember when Barry Larkin won the MVP and the circumstances surrounding it? Beltre deserves that same type of consideration. He’s not the best player by any statistical measure, but you would be hard pressed to find someone more valuable to their team (particularly a good team) in all of the intangible ways

So he falls in the draft to mid to late first round and delays free agency by a year. How many millions does his “leverage” cost him.

It’s far far far from a terrible deal given the slotting structure they are in. Bosa has zero leverage really. He’s gonna sign eventually.

But where will I get my roast beef sandwhiches now?

FYI, the “stadium supporter” Sylvia Greene is former Arlington mayor Richard Greene’s wife. He was Mayor from 87-97. That is, he was mayor when the current park was constructed. Hardly an unbiased fan.

#31 Can double as greatest Arcade Game ever

I have written about my son before on here (…about his concussions and how they changed him. How in the course of about 18 months he went from an affable if arrogant 13 year old to a maniac on the roof of the house covered in gasoline threatening to set himself on fire.

Can’t believe Sale went to Scott Merkin when he decided to make these comments pubic.

If he did it I hope he goes to jail. If she made this up, I hope she goes to jail.

Ok, take it for what you will. This is going to turn out to be a false claim. The bruises came from a bar altercation with another female. I am a cowboys fan but no homer. If he did it he should go to jail. If he didn’t she should.

The amount of “wordplay” in your comment is almost too much to tolerate

It will all come out eventually. Just like this Penn State stuff has. Some insurance company is going to refuse to cover settlements stemming from all of this and the “truth will out” because you do not fuck with insurance companies and their money. How do you think my now ex-wife found out about the blow job her