
My guess is that she’s black, a former stripper, and unashamed - therefore, some awful people think that she must be an unfit mother. I mean, what kind of terrible woman plays dress-up with their kid? Besides most mothers everywhere.

Yes very true. It’s lower in AA families but they still circumcise like idiots.  

Uh.. plenty of black people do that too though. But I do know a few white mothers who “put something” in their toddler’s hair to make them blonde or blonder. Blew my mind.

I don’t get how a clip in hair extension is any worse than a bow that 75% of parents put in their daughters hair.

No. No biopics until you’re 40. No one has a life interesting enough to warrant one at her age.

Spoilers: Final season of GoT will contain at least one giant battle! Shocker!

GRRM was scheduled to write the script for the battle scene, so.....

Come on, you’re better than this! My wife and I play in a bowling league together and we’re not fucking.

And to think, just the other day I told my boyfriend “ you know what America needs right now? Someone to butcher the national anthem in a sultry jazzy way in front of millions of people.”

Chris, if you have access to Hulu, then you can find Maya Rudolph on SNL doing a tribute to this performance, via time travel.

That was ba-yeah-yeah-yad.

I really enjoy the portrait of Obama; the colors are so vibrant and as a result the man himself comes off with the kind of inherent warmth that we know he exudes in real life but that a serious portrait would likely fail to capture. By painting him with a very serious expression against a background of vibrant green

You’re a little wrong here, too. Emotional support animals aren’t allowed in businesses, so your doctors’ letters to that effect won’t do much. Only service dogs (which are trained to perform specific tasks to mitigate the disability) are given public access rights under the ADA, and they don’t need any documentation

Yep. She booked a later flight to figure out what to do with the hamster. She could have easily taken a cab to the closest Petco or Petsmart and surrendered the animal (I know that my local Petco takes them because my daughter works there and thinks she has been placed on earth to bring home all of the surrendered

an inability to make competent decisions while caring for a pet.

If she truly is that mentally disturbed, then she should not be allowed to have an animal unsupervised. You don’t give an emotional support animal to someone who’s likely to kill it. Some person’s emotional needs aren’t more important than an animal’s life.

I get what you’re saying, but it doesn’t seem that the hamster helped her in this particular moment of suggestion and decreased inhibition.

Like, maybe this is why she apparently needs an emotional support animal?

Let us have a moment of silence for Pebbles II, if we could all just hold hands for a second...

Nope, an ESA is useless if the person has no bond to it and is willing to kill it when it becomes a minor inconvenience. People who genuinely require an ESA to function by and large are extremely bonded to their given animal and killing it is the last thing they’d do.