
Re: the bow comment - EX.ACT.LY.

I think the issue is less that all black male heroes get trashed, as much as it is that so many powerful men have skeletons like this in their closets, but black men who prey on white women are less likely to get away with it, perhaps, which means that there are likely that many more victims (either non-white, or of

Oh my, thank you for posting these. Looking at the pictures in the article I was kinda disappointed, but seeing the actual high-res images - I’m so impressed! What powerful images! They look like benevolent gods.

No, ESAs are real and important. It’s just a designation that is, unfortunately, easy to abuse, because it *doesn’t* fall under the ADA, IIRC. That is why the airline was within its rights to say “no” to a pet that was otherwise allowed by TSA. It’s basically just a term used when hoping to convince proprietors who

To clarify, it happens, but remains inexcusable.

If that is the case to this degree, she should not be living on her own, nor could she be trusted with a pet, and the doc who gave her the “emotional support animal” certification should have known that and taken other measures. Someone this suggestible is a danger to herself and others.

I’m trying to understand this woman’s story but I just can’t. Read the article...she’s saying her friends and family were too far you miss your flight / reschedule for the next day and miss your medical appointment and it sucks and it’s awful and *then* you sue and tell everyone that the check-in

According to a source for Newsweek, it is in fact 11 x 14.

I started by AVOIDING DAVID’S BRIDAL because they are over-priced, cheaply made, and constantly trying to upsell brides on even more overpriced and flimsy accessories, support garments, and in-house tailoring. I was 5'5" and 118 lbs and they tried to neg me into buying a $75 girdle. A GIRDLE. They did the same thing

iPhone kept autocorrecting to “Frankenstein” and I missed one. Oh bother...

The answer is not to let men off the hook, the answer is to raise women to lead the fight. I agree that Al Franken’s actions were on a different level than, say, our President’s, and it’s frustrating to see that the worst dirtbags are using his actions to muddy the waters as if “Democrats do it to!” is an excuse to

Because people used to die peacefully if old age, or at least surrounded by family, in old houses all the time. All the funereal preparations and the funeral itself would take place in the home - in the parlor. The houses were *built* around the coincidence of life and death in a family history. Past and present were

The most terrifying part of that story is the second-to-last paragraph.

Shhh! I’m happier here! As for my family, I presume that you are referring to my abusive dad or abusive ex-husband, in which case: please just tell those assholes that I died or something ;) Thanks!

Pretty sure a slightly taller heel is actually better for running because you run on the balls of your feet anyway, no? I am one of those types who used to find myself running in my heels all the time, and found 2-3 inch heels to be the best for my size 9 feet. Heck, plenty of women *dance* in these fuckers. The much

Seems like a good place to bring up my own miscarriage. I didn’t even want the baby. It was the worst possible timing. I was scared shitless when I realized I read my distinctly positive pregnancy test while simultaneously bleeding like crazy. I was insured and wealthy and white and married and in my 20s, and the

I’m French, OK? FRENCH. My dad is FROM FRANCE. We kiss each other on the cheeks in France. I’m fine with this. It’s cozy.

oh god he so clearly does not understand how to interact with women. He slips out his surprise that she is beautiful...ok fine, kinda shady, but whatever...but then he lets us all know EXACTLY what he is thinking by digging himself even further into the hole...clarifying that he is, in fact, talking about her physical

My ex was this. It was annoying as hell because it was less devoted attention so much as candy-coated insecure narcissism - he clearly was not there for enjoyment so much as approval.

My sister and me are one of the few millenials who do NOT uptalk. Not on purpose or anything, we just didn’t develop it for whatever reason.