You hit the nail right on its piggy head! hahahahaha
You hit the nail right on its piggy head! hahahahaha
Please don’t show Mercedes that double logo grille. They’ve already realized the can’t make the logo any bigger because it’s as tall as the grille, but they don’t need to find out about this “solution”.
Well now I can’t un-see it.
LOL. I will never be able to unsee this.
So are they going to put lipstick on it and contract Sarah Palin for ads?
Youve got to be kidding.
I know man ... can’t lose any value on that corolla
Hand wash my car? I don’t have time to do that. I work & on my days off I drive it. I just go the touch-less gas station car wash, and wax it after. I also go to have unicorn shit sprayed on it.
“Ware’s house?”
This is what happens when you
fuckfind a stranger in theassAlps.
Are you sure you don’t mean, “this is what happens when you find a stranger in the Alps?”
Is this your homework Larry?
This is what happens when you fuck a stranger in the ass.
Anyone who works at a European car garage long enough has seen this more than once. Could be worse, aircooled VW people are almost invariably good people.
Volkswagen-Audi specialty garage {...} I figured finding a dude sleeping in a vintage VW when you check in in the morning wouldn’t be a good way to start things off.
I would definitely wear a “Stick to Sprots Morans” shirt.
I wasn’t tugging hard on it; I just sort of gently held it, and pop!