
"You will never convince me that the customer does not have a choice."

I'm glad you brought this up because it is something that alot of people are ignoring. My question would be, who determines what's fair and what isn't?

Think about how complex your body is. Imagine it being a universe in itself where tiny beings are wondering what it's like outside of their own universe. Now all of a sudden you're an important and huge part of some other being's life.

You could open up a second account at your current bank or better yet, open up an account at a separate bank. The second bank could be one you don't visit as often.

As far as the Revue goes, I think it was the price point that failed. In my opinion it's Logitech and Google's fault for over pricing it.

I think this is simply a case of the author being out of touch. He's probably surrounded by people who do things a certain way, use certain items and just can't get their heads around anything else. It's a real closed minded way of thinking.

This guy on Reddit said it fit in his skinny jeans.

The only way around that would probably be to get an HTPC or any PC and connect it to the Revue. You can set it up so when you hit the "TV" button instead of it going to a cable box it would take you to your HTPC's desktop. To take it a bit further you could have your browser already open and full screen so it’s ready

Are you receiving actual cards or just offers. If they're sending you unsolicited cards I'm almost positive it's against Regulation E guidelines.

I desperately need a charging station! We have about 5+ devices that need regular charging and our charging area is just spaghetti. Can anyone recommend a good USB charging hub that isn’t too expensive? My original plan was to install an outlet like the one in the article but 2 ports just won’t cut it.

I usually use a lint roller and it works out great.

All of those seem like solid guesses.

I can't stop laughing about this reference! Perfect picture to go with it!

Tyler Derden... hmmm... Does this mean you and Neandy Erthal are the same people? My mind is blown! Invite me to your fight club!

Not many people take the time to just stop and look up at the sky. Their loss!

If you have a child with a cell phone you could always do this trick to keep tabs on who they're messaging. Apple built in a parental monitoring feature without even realizing it!

As someone who works at a bank and deals with alot of merchant disputes I really don't believe the fact that Microsoft cares much about their customers. They're like every other company. They like you when you bring them your money but as soon as something goes wrong they don't want to have anything to do with you.

I like this idea!

To be honest with you I'm not sure how it is on resources. I don't have a monitor hooked up to that PC. It's one of those set it and forget it PCs. The CPU is an Intel Atom (Asus AT3IONT-I) with 4 GBs of RAM. I'm thinking a Core 2 Duo should work just fine.

Hell yeah to Rasberry Pi! We just need a release date.